坦克世界你问我答 9.1大地图卫星和分房表
30.5.2014 Posted on May 30, 2014 by Silentstalker — 68 Comments ↓ - according to Storm, further use of BigWorld engine very much has a future (SS: as in in WG games) 根据Storm的说法,BigWorld引擎在未来会得到进一步的使用。 - it’s possible bigger maps will come, “but no promises” 更大的地图会来到,但不能保证。 - developers are not considering transferring to a different game engine, but modernizing the current one 开发人员不会考虑更换不同的游戏引擎,但会进行更现代化的完善。 - Storm confirms that the patch frequency is one per 1,5 months Storm证实补丁的更新频率是1.5个月 - there will be a video showing how the WG team recorded the real tank sounds 会有一个视频展示WG的团队如何录制真实的车辆声音的。 - apparently there won’t be a third hangar for WoT WoT不会有第三个车库 Storm talks about 9.1 Test 2 Storm 关于2测的谈论 Posted on May 30, 2014 by Silentstalker — 42 Comments ↓ Hello everyone, 各位好, Storm is asking for Test round 2 feedback (performance, bugs etc) – he adds that the gun and Hellcat/Jackson engine sounds were returned to 9.0 standard because they were added to the test mostly to gather player feedback, there was no plan to release them in 9.1 live patch. The feedback on the gun sounds is conflicting, for the engine sounds it’s positive. Wargaming will take these opinions into account when developing the game further. Storm 正询问玩家关于2测的反馈意见(游戏表现,bug等等)——他还说到炮和地狱猫/杰克逊发动机声音返回到9.0的标准,因为他们主要是为了收集玩家的意见,并不打算在9.1的正式服发布。关于炮声音的反馈有好有坏,至于发动机的声音是积极的。WG会在以后的游戏开发中把这些意见考虑在内。 There is also a bug that changes the screen side ration, it will be fixed in the live server. 有一个改变屏幕侧比的bug,会在正式上线时修复 From the discussion:来自评论区 - the 9.1 test sounds will be polished and they will return in one of the upcoming patches 9.1测试服的声音会进行后期处理,会在后续的某一个版本中出现 - more tank engine sounds than Jackson and Hellcat are being recorded 除了杰克逊和地狱猫,还录制了更多车辆的发动机声音。 - Storm states that the “moving corpses” bug was already fixed (players claim it is still there) Storm 表示“诈尸”的bug已修复了(部分玩家说还存在) - engine sounds for exotic tanks will be recorded from “a similiar type of the engine” 一些外来的车辆发动机声会从“类似型号的发动机上”进行录制。 - Storm doesn’t consider it a problem that the GPU is stressed in the new hangar more than in combat Storm 不认为新车库给于显卡的压力超过在战斗中的是一个问题。 - Chat 2.0 – “medium perspective” 聊天2.0何时到来——不太远、也不太近 - HD model mass-production system is not yet finished 高清模型的量产系统尚未做好。 - the mechanism of automatic platoon searching is not being developed yet 自动组队搜寻机制尚未进行开发。 - the file “availablecontent.xml”, that appeared in the test client, does not mean there will be DLC, it is tied to the split of the HD and SD client 文件“availablecontent.xml”出现在测试服的客户端中,不意味着就是可下载的内容,它与高清和标清客户端的区分有关。 - the HB crew transfer without penalties “cannot be guaranteed for now” (SS: there was a plan for some of the tanks to act like “premiums” by being able to use crews from different tanks) 历史战成员之间进行转换而不会受到惩罚----“暂时还不能够保证” - there is little data collected from the test on the 9.1 historical battles 9.1测试服历史战收集到的数据很少 - reworking the decals and hit effects is not in near plans 近期不打算重做贴图和击中效果 9.1 MM Table