坦克世界地图设计 战舰地图设计全解说
我们看看WOWS官方博客的文章 Focus On Battleship 走进战列舰 Dreadnought battleships. Steel monsters. Formidable and proud overlords of the sea that now reside in museums. They lack the elegance of aircraft carriers, or the speed of destroyers and cruisers – all they have is monumental, menacing might. 无畏战舰,钢铁巨兽,海上霸主—虽然现在已经是时代的眼泪了…。她们没有航母的优雅,没有驱逐舰和巡洋舰的灵巧——但是,她们却有着无与伦比的力量! Nowadays, you may run into a battleship as a museum exhibit. Or you may read about them in books or see them in movies and video games. Unfortunately there is a very low chance of becoming a captain of one of these monsters, so games, by far, are the only source for getting this experience. 现在,你可以参观那些由战列舰改装的博物馆;也可以在书本,电影,游戏里面看见她们。不幸的是,你当上舰长,操控这些怪物的可能性非常之低,不过,现在,通过游戏,你可以体验到这种感觉——————当然,这也是你目前唯一的途径了。 |