坦克世界地图设计 战舰地图设计全解说
2014-05-19 10:52来源:网络发布者:克拉肯蕾雅新手卡|游戏下载
Do the ships “go on parade” in random battles?在野队要不要排个战列线出来呢? Let me clarify: they actually do that in-game. Though they do it rarely – randomness is only so random, you know. But the concept of the salvo itself, as a method to inflict maximum damage, is pretty instinctive, even for newbie captains. So, we’ll inevitably see these ships heading in a similar direction (if not directly that way), with most of their cannons directed at the enemy. 让我来说明一下,游戏中当然能排战列舰,虽说野队能排出战列线的概率真心不高,毕竟人充满可能性的,野队什么事都会发生。但是呢,一轮齐射,给敌人最大化的伤害,这个是所有玩家的本能,新人也不例外。所以,我们自然会在野队看见战列舰朝着一个方向,主炮指着敌人的景象 The battleship – a vessel of contrasts.战列舰————矛盾集合体 The pros of battleships are quite obvious: their high survivability and powerful armament. They may withstand many hits while simultaneously turning opponents into smoking wreckage, which is a very attractive option. 战列舰支持者认为,战列舰有极高的生存能力和强大的武器,在经受多次打击的同时,让敌人瞬间爆炸,完成单杀————这就是战列舰吸引人的地方之一 The cons are the following: battleships are the largest ships on the battlefield, so they are pretty easy to aim at。 反对者则不以为然,战列舰就是个大靶子,很容易被盯上; Despite being heavily armoured vessels, battleships are not invulnerable. They’re just more complex targets to sink. Even cruisers are sometimes capable of destroying one of these monsters by penetrating its armour from short distances in the vicinity of its magazines. Size and inertia also add to the difficulties with game-manoeuvring compared to destroyers and cruisers. Coupled with unarmoured range finders, AAA sites and anti-mine cannons that are too easy to lose. So, on the whole, raging in solo attacks against enemy squadrons leaves you a miserable chance of leaving the battlefield safe and sound. 尽管战列舰有着厚重的装甲,但也并非是无敌的。不过,击沉战列舰是个复杂的事情。即使是巡洋舰,在近距离(0-10KM),也能用自己的舰炮穿透战列舰的装甲,破坏核心设备(@比睿)。巨大的尺寸和巨大的惯性使得战列舰十分难以操控————较之于巡洋舰和驱逐舰而言。还有,那些无防护的测距仪,高炮,反水雷炮都是容易损失的(不过采用模块化伤害的WOWS不会出现对着高射炮,测距仪一顿猛揍就把船轰沉的场面)。总而言之,没事和一堆敌人死磕不是什么好事情,你能活下来的概率不高。 How can you eliminate an enemy battleship?怎么才能做掉敌人的战列舰? Firing ranges themselves vary depending on the cannon type. In any duel combination, such as theYamatovs theIowa, there is always an area where the enemy’s armour cannot be penetrated. This is called the immunity zone. 不同的火炮有不同的射程。在战列舰之间的对决中,比如大和大战衣阿华,每条船总有一个免疫区,在这个距离范围内,敌方的火炮无法击穿装甲(当然,对于不同的船而言,免疫区也是在不断变化的) This is widely known but you shouldn’t think of it as a completely safe zone! Heavy main-calibre shells could still seriously damage the armoured parts even without direct penetration, causing fragmentation damage, minor crew injuries or similar effects. 你要记住免疫区的概念,更要记住,免疫区不等于安全区。大口径火炮在未击穿装甲的时候也能造成可观的伤害,造成破片伤害,使内部模组或者成员受损。 |