0620你问我答 超测泄露要塞模式资讯
2014-06-20 11:24来源:多玩发布者:你的样吇如往昔新手卡|游戏下载
19.6.2014 Posted on June 19, 2014 by Silentstalker — 33 Comments ↓ As you already know, the Stronkhold mode was started today. In the meanwhile, the suspicious lack of new info has been explained: Storm has vacation. 如你所知,要塞模式今天开测。与此同时,近期资讯少的疑问有了解答:Storm 度假去了。 - recent changes in the “light T-54″ also showed that the frontal turret armor was reduced from 180mm to 160mm. Storm states that the 180mm most likely stays at the front where the turret armor is practically unsloped, 160mm will be the sloped part 最近在LT54的变动中还有装甲的变化,它的正面炮塔装甲从180mm 降到了 160mm 。Storm说180mm 几乎都是都留在正面未倾斜的区域,而160mm是倾斜的区域。 - stronkholds not for players who don’t want to be in a clan? “Don’t want to be in a clan? Then don’t be. In random battles, there will be many events, missions etc.” 要塞模式难道不是给那些没军团的人准备的? 不想加军团?那就没得玩喽。随机模式也会有许多的活动、任务之类的。 - Finding 20 decent people for stronkhold too difficult? “Strange how other players do find others and create clans? What makes them different from you?” 想找到20个会玩要塞模式的玩家真的太难了?我就纳闷了那其他人是怎么找到那些人的,然后还建立个工会??怎么你和其他人不一样? - stronkholds will apparently be useful even for smaller clans, that won’t have to wait for events and the bonuses will help them grind 要塞模式显然对一些较小规模的工会更有利,他们不用再等待各种活动,那些奖励就能帮助他们发展。 - the raids (SS: what is the official English term? Forgot…) in Stronkhold mode are analogical to companies, but there will be no encounter or assault in them, the same analogy applies for the map choices (just like in companies) 要塞模式中的突袭(SS:官方英文词汇是什么,忘了)类似于联队,但没有攻防和夺旗,以此类推也适用于地图的选择。 - stronkhold consumables will come later – “follow the news” 要塞模式中的给养之类会晚些来到——注意看资讯 - stronkhold resources will be awarded for defeats as well, but less 要塞模式中失败一方也会给于资源,但会少些。 - stronkhold statistics will be kept separate, just like with team battles stats 要塞统计数据仍旧是分开的,就像7/42模式一样 - a clan cannot lose its stronkhold completely 一个军团不会彻底失去它的要塞 - attacking and defending of stronkholds between clans will come later 军团(工会)间要塞的进攻和防守会迟些加入游戏