0616你问我答 毛子对XVM收费的态度变化
2014-06-16 13:52来源:多玩发布者:你的样吇如往昔新手卡|游戏下载
15.6.2014 Posted on June 15, 2014 by Silentstalker — 54 Comments ↓ Remember how Wargaming removed the “battles played” from 1-day and 7-day Hall of Fame (probably to cover up bots)? Here’s a list of the data by Stormshadow and Manuel1324 (make sure you set the number of rows in it to some high number to see them all). Red players in the list had their accounts scanned and they do raise “warning flags” as bots (many battles, drop in performance, really bad performance overall). Stormshadow estimates the amount of suspicious accounts found so far to around 3000. 还记得WG从“名人堂”中移除1天和7天的战斗场次的事情吗(可能是用以掩盖挂机的问题)?这是一个由Stormshadow 和 Manuel1324 做的数据列表(在设定行数时务必要高一些,这样可以看到全部的数据)。红色名字的玩家帐号是已被扫描过的,并且他们给于了挂机的“警告标志”(战斗场次多,效率低,总体数据表现真的很差)。Stormshadow 估计目前为止发现的可疑帐号数量大约3000个(译注:这些是外服的事情) Overlord on skill MM: Overlord 关于水平分房: Regarding all these MMing ideas, as you can see from the discussion it’s already divided. With WoT and its huge audience around the world it’s difficult to decide on such major changes the consequences of which are not fully clear. It’s mostly about making compromises right now to satisfy the majority. 关于所有这些分房的主意,从评论中你能够看出是有分歧的。对于坦克世界来说,它在世界各地有着巨大的用户群体,改变分房机制这样的变化真的很难下决定,后果完全无法预料。暂时来说,最好的妥协方式还是满足大多数玩家。 and 还有 Leagues are ok, to my thinking. They should be seasonal though, ie should be reset periodically. Also they need to account only for some relevant performance, not all-time stats. 在我的印象中,联赛还是挺OK的,不过它们应该是季节性的(一年分为几个赛季),就是说定期重置。还有,它们只需要考虑一些相关方面的表现,而不是历来所有的统计数据。 - apparently, majority of players doesn’t even read any news on the portal 显然,大多数玩家都不会去网站上看资讯 - Overlord on WG attitude towards XVM changing if XVM becomes paid service: “Regarding XVM, it might, since we are F2P and appreciate the free staff.” Overlord 关于WG对于XVM要变为付费服务的态度变化:关于XVM,态度或许会有变化,因为我们是一个免费的游戏,我们感谢那些无偿奉献的玩家(我们不感谢那些以此谋取利益的的…………)。 - Overlord considers the gun barrel marks too easy to get apparently Overlord 认为炮管标记很容易获得 - apprently, the developers are considering “renting” historical battles tanks the way the HB ammunition is “rented” 开发人员考虑像历史战租借弹药的方式来租借历史战用车。 - the problem with allowing regular tanks to temporarily gain premium tank status for gold is that premium tanks are supposed to be weaker than regular tanks and this rule would be broken 允许使用金币让普通坦克暂时获得金币车的身份,这样做有一个问题,金币车本该是比普通坦克性能要弱的,这会打破现有的规则。 - it’s possible that Wargaming Russian books might be published in English 有可能WG的俄语书籍会发布英文版本 - SU-122-44 MM was not nerfed (SS: some player was complaining that it throws him to tier 9′s too often) SU-122-44分房不会 削弱 - the issue where you see all your friend contacts as offline (even when they are on) is known and developers are working on it 好友全都不再线的问题开发人员已经知道,并且正在处理。 - there are currently no issues with FPS drops on map Kharkov registered 哈尔科夫地图目前没有帧数下降的问题 - apparently, the bug, where you get stuck on loading the garage when exiting the baattle are caused by mods. Furthermore, in some cases, removing mods does not help, because some mods do overwrite the original game files. In such a case, completely reinstalling the entire client is the only option 显然有这么一个bug,在你退出游戏进入车库时会被卡住,这是插件引起的。在某些情况下,删除插件也不行,因为一些插件已经覆盖了原游戏文件。在这样的情形下,唯一的选择就是完全重新安全游戏客户端。