0613你问我答 显示炮塔方向插件可用
2014-06-13 10:02来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
12.6.2014 Posted on June 12, 2014 by Silentstalker — 43 Comments ↓ Interested in playing Historical Battles? Well… one battle :) Check out the event Listy and Jingles are organizing! This Saturday, 1500 BST (1600 CEST) on EU1. - Knopka confirms that the tank destruction sound was reworked in 9.1 based on player feedback Knopka 证实9.1的车辆摧毁音效在玩家反馈的基础上进行了重做 - the changes to OP and UP tanks (nerfs and buffs, previously planned for 9.1, are still coming in the future) 神车和渣车的改动(就是削弱和加强,之前9.1计划中的,未来仍然会实施) - Too little content in 9.1? Developer Fadalmahr reacts: “We can’t please you no matter what. If there are many features in the patch – you react like ‘what the hell did you stuff all in there, make it as it was before’. If there are few features – ‘nothing new, stop slacking’ Make up your mind :)” 9.1新内容太少?开发人员Fadalmahr 对此回应:不管怎样都不能满足你。如果在这个版本中有太多的内容,你们会这样说:搞什么啊你们把所有东西都加了进来,还是做成以前那样吧。如果新内容太少,你们又会说:没啥新意,下定决心,不要偷懒啦。 - making the gun barrel solid would make the game “slightly unplayable” 把炮管做成实体会使得游戏“稍微难玩” - there is no corellation between ingame FPS and server loads 帧数和服务器负载之间没有关系 - camo factor of vehicles is hidden info and won’t be published 车辆的伪装系数是隐秘信息,不会公布。 - it’s safe to delete the content of the Updates folder in the game folder (SS: it contains old patches installers) 删除Updates 文件下的内容不会出现问题 - the camo mechanism was not changed in 9.1 在9.1中,伪装机制不会改动。 - Stronkhold mode still has to be tested, it will come in following patches 要塞模式仍旧需要测试,会在随后的版本中出现。 - Ardennes, Kursk and Balaton historical battles were “removed in order to rework them” (SS: implying they will return) 阿登,库尔斯克和巴拉顿历史战“为了重做而去移除的”(SS :还会返回游戏中) - if you are having this issue in 9.1 – it’s mod’s fault: 如果你在9.1遇到下图所示的问题——这是插件引起的 - on Russian server, the Jove modpack function that shows the direction of enemy turret (gun) on minimap is not banned 俄服Jove插件整合包内的在小地图上显示敌方车辆炮塔方面的插件不会被禁止 - the TD camo “class bonus” is 25 percent (SS: if a tank X was redesignated into the TD class, it would get 25 percent camo bonus), this class bonus is disabled when shooting TD车型的伪装加成是25% (SS:如果一辆车改为TD类型,它就会获得25%的伪装加成),这类加成在开火时会被禁用 - details on Stronkhold mode will come later, there will be a special test for them 要塞模式详细信息会晚些时候透露,它们会有一项特别的测试。 - T23E3 being sold freely in a premium shop is “extremely unlikely”, it’s “possible in the future, but hasn’t been decided yet” T23E3 在金币车商店自由售卖是“根本不可能的”,或许以后可以,但尚未决定。 - the Sacred Valley map is in rework, it will most likely return in one of the upcoming patches 神圣之谷地图在重做中,会在随后的某一个版本中返回。