9.1一测炮声MOD插件分享 坦克世界插件
2014-06-11 22:24来源:贴吧发布者:soviet990新手卡|游戏下载
下面是9.1一测的炮声MOD(没有地狱猫和杰克逊的引擎声),有兴趣的可以下来看看。 http://www.ulozto.net/xaoDkjSA/9-1-beta1-gun-sounds-zip Installation is rather problematic – I tried to simply use them as a mod (add them to the res_mods/0.9.0/audio folder), which kinda deleted pretty much all the old sounds (I heard only gunfire). I don’t think that’s right and I am not sure they work in the 0.9.0, better to wait for 0.9.1 with their installation I think. 安装有点麻烦,SS试图当成MOD那样弄(放到res_mods/0.9.0/audio folder文件夹),但是没用,只听到了老炮声(发动机没声音了)。他也不确定是不是这样弄,也许不适用于9.0,所以最好还是等到9.1再用吧...