坦克世界9.1资讯 足球模式62A闪亮登场
2014-06-09 21:58来源:多玩发布者:我有一个大X8新手卡|游戏下载
the “football mode” for the duration of the FIFA World Cup has been confirmed and in 9.1 test, a vehicle was added, that will be used for this mode. It’s T-62A “Sport” and here are its characteristics. 在FIFA世界杯期间会出现的“足球模式”已经被确认了,而在9.1测试服中,他们加入了一辆专门用于这个模式的新车。它就是T-62A“运动型”,以下是它的数据。 It looks like the classic T-62A, so don’t expect any wild paintjobs (might come later) 它和常规的T-62A长的一样,所以别指望会有什么特别奇怪的涂装(以后也许会有) There are however significant differences. For one, it’s a tier 1 vehicle and it has 999 armor. For all intents and purposes, it’s indestructible. Forward speed has been increased from 50 to 60 km/h and the engine has 1500hp. The gun is a special SPORT version of the U-8TS firing only HE shells, so I am pretty sure shooting one another won’t be a part of the game. 然而还是有一些极大的不同的。首先,它是个1级车,装甲是999mm。 从各种角度来看呢,这辆车都是不可摧毁的。向前极速也从50km/h上调到了60km/h,发动机出力是1500马力。这杆炮是U-8TS的特殊的运动型炮改装版,只能发射HE弹。所以我觉得大家对射可能不是这个模式的一部分。 My guess? Something like players pushing a Leichttraktor or something around to get it between the goalposts. 我的猜想?应该是推着一辆早期试验车然后把他带进球门里吧……