0607你问我答 疑难BUG和优化问题解答
2014-06-07 14:03来源:网络发布者:你的样吇如往昔新手卡|游戏下载
5.6.2014 Posted on June 5, 2014 by Silentstalker — 45 Comments ↓ If you are interested in some E3 news, Overlord posted a bit… - apparently, in some cases, the SLI support is still messy even after the latest Nvidia patch 在某些的情况下,就算升级最新N卡驱动版本,SLI支持仍旧难以进行工作 - Storm states that buying/using Spintires engine (SS: a game with excellent physics) is not an option, since everything has to be calculated on the server and then the data have to be transferred to the clients Storm 表示购买/使用Spintires 引擎不再选择之内,因为一切都是在服务端计算的,然后数据才发送给客户端。 - Storm states that the alleged bug of lags on Windstorm map (after a player submitted his computer data, logs etc.) was not confirmed, it’s more likely some issue with reading data from the disk on that player’s side. Storm adds that Windstorm has a lot of specific buildings and new content, making the loading longer Storm 表示所谓的飓风小镇卡顿bug没有被证实,它看起来更像是玩家这边的电脑从硬盘读取数据的问题。Storm补充说飓风这个图有大量特别的建筑和新的内容,会使得载图时间较长。 - WG will work with Nvidia to fix the SLI issue WG 会和Nvidia一起去解决互联问题 - Storm states that the optimization in the game in a patch doesn’t have to be a huge leap every time (SS: as in, WG can continue optimizing the game in small steps) Storm 表示游戏内每一个版本的更新所带来的优化并非每次都要有大的飞跃(SS:换句话说,游戏的优化是一步步来的) - Storm confirms that in 9.1, they fixed the FPS drops when switching to sniper mode while the terrain is not on highest quality setting Storm 证实在9.1,在地形质量不再最高设置情况下,切换狙击模式时帧数下降的问题已被修复了。 - new vehicles in next 2 patches? “No comment” 后面2个版本的新车是??无可奉告 - apparently the bug with moving corpses (SS: I think that’s what it means – literally “dancing hulls”) in cities was partially fixed in 9.1 在9.1版本中,城镇地图中车辆尸体移动的bug部分得以修复。 - Havok will come this year Havok引擎会在今年加入游戏 - WoT Blitz for Android will come “after iOS” 坦克闪电战的安卓版会在IOS版之后来到。 9.1 Release Date Posted on June 5, 2014 by Silentstalker — 25 Comments ↓ Source: RU server forums It was confirmed by the Russian WG forum folks that the 9.1 patch is scheduled for release next Tuesday (10.6.2014) on RU server. EU release is not yet confirmed, but is apparently to follow a day later. 9.1版本俄服的更新时间是在下周二(10.6.2014)