0621你问我答 德国将有新的八级金币中坦
2014-06-21 11:02来源:多玩发布者:你的样吇如往昔新手卡|游戏下载
20.6.2014 Posted on June 20, 2014 by Silentstalker — 83 Comments ↓ - Tier 8 premium German medium – Panther with L/71? Evilly: “You almost guessed right!” 德系8级金币中坦是带L/71炮的黑豹?Evilly: “你猜的差不多了“ - Leopard 1, AMX50B and FV4202 will get small buffs Leopard 1, AMX50B和 FV4202 将会小小的加强一下 - switching FV4202 for another tank?“Wait for the news around the end of the year” FV4202要被别的车替换??大约年末你就会等到消息了 - the “atmospheric Prokhorovka” mentioned as coming in 9.2 – Storm adds that the map will remain the same, but there will be more traces of combat (SS: wrecks, destroyed guns etc.) – in case you are wondering how it will look like, here’s a leak 以前提出的在9.2版本会有一张带有战争氛围的普罗霍洛夫卡地图“——Storm补充说这地图仍旧不会变,但会有更多的战争痕迹在里面(残骸,毁坏的炮之类) - Storm confirms that small names of tanks on the minimap will come Storm 证实小地图车辆显名功能将要加入游戏 - few new HD tanks coming in 9.2 – because plans changed, the models were simply not made on time 9.2会有少许的高清车辆——由于计划被更改,模型不能准时的制作完成 - regarding game performance – “no hopeful solution yet for now” 关于游戏的表现性——暂时希望渺茫 - KV-1S will be split in 9.3, despite the fact the split was announced like a year ago: “only now the possibility to do that appeared”, the changes were tied to its new HD model KV-1S 会在9.3拆分,尽管这事是在一年前就说过:“现在出现了拆分的可能性,这个机会的出现是和新的高清模型有关系” - until now, the developers did work on a strategy “how to rebalance tanks in the future” 现在为止,开发人员一直在做一个“如何平衡未来车辆”的行动计划。 - Hellcat will be rebalanced in the same patch as KV-1S (9.3) 地狱猫会和KV1s在同一个版本平衡(9.3) - the artillery barrage will be a stronkhold consumable apparently 炮火齐射式攻击会作为要塞模式的一种消耗品。 - “no changes were said” about FV215b (120) 没说过FV215b (120)会有变化 - the new lowlevel tank that will be an objective of a mission in summer will not be Te-Ke 97式并不是暑假任务新的低级奖励车。 - 183mm HESH rounds of the FV215b will not be removed FV215b的183mm HESH不会移除。 Not hundred percent confirmed, but reliable source. 没有百分百的被证实,但来源可靠。 - for quite some time, the developers have been testing Ensk with explosive objects (railway wagons, “red barrels”) 很长的一段时间以来,开发人员测试过带有可爆炸物体的安斯克地图(铁路货车,红色的油桶) - developers have been also reworking Malinovka, they are not satisfied about it 开发人员还在重做马利懦夫卡,他们对于这个地图并不满意。 - Malinovka will be changed within a patch or two 马利懦夫卡 在 1或2个补丁内就会有变化。