0623你问我答 坦歼重新平衡英国新TD线
2014-06-23 11:38来源:贴吧发布者:AztecWarrior新手卡|游戏下载
Hello everyone, 炮友们大家好 last night there was a stream on the RU server – WG developers and producers Alexei “Inaki” Ilyin, Anton “Evilly” Pankov and Yuri “Hukogum” Kuryavyj and the chief of map design department Vladislav “_p0zzy_” Markov – they were playing the football mode and answering some player questions, Maiorboltach was kind enough to provide a transcription. Thank you! 昨晚俄服有一次stream直播-WG的开发者和制造者Alexei “Inaki” Ilyin,Anton “Evilly” Pankov和Yuri “Hukogum” Kuryavyj 以及地图设计部门总管Vladislav “_p0zzy_” Markov,这帮人玩了新出的足球模式并回答了玩家的问题。感谢Maiorboltach童鞋的翻译。 - at first, they tried out the football mode with AMX ELC. It took two months to develop. On RU server, roughly 2 million people played this mode. 首先他们尝试了用AMX ELC玩足球模式(ELC:502啊502,常年被吊打的大仇终于得报了哈哈哈。——轰, AMX ELC已被足球撞毁……) - there will be no Katyusha rocket launchers in the game, but there will be an “artillery barrage” (SS: Stronkhold consumable IIRC) 喀秋莎火箭发射器不会出现在游戏中,,但是将会有“火炮弹幕齐射”(SS:堡垒模式的可消耗道具) - WG knows that historical battles need serious rework and in patch 9.2, the entire mode will be temporarily removed from the game for rework. Developers are working on “a completely new CW concept with new features”, developers are also considering special PVE mode for historical battles. After the HB’s are reworked, there will be a special test only for them, like the stronkhold has now in order to gather detailed feedback WG知道历史战需要严谨地进行重制(毛子你们终于知道错了……)并且在9.2版本中,整个模式将会暂时移除进行重制。开发者们正在制作“一种全新的领土战概念,并且拥有一些新要素”,开发者们也正在考虑为历史战制作特殊的PVE模式(终于可以和小伙伴们一起吊打一大群电脑的节奏?)在历史战重制结束后将会进行一次特殊的测试,就像现在堡垒模式为了得到细节反馈所经历的那样。 - it’s possible that in the Stronkhold mode, there will be an option to hire non-clan players (“mercenaries”), apparently when Stronkhold gets active (?? – literally “but during this period”), companies will be closed (!) and won’t be reworked 很可能在堡垒模式中,将会有雇佣非军团玩家的选项(“雇佣兵”),很显然当堡垒模式上线后(??-字面上来说“在这段期间内”)联队模式将会被关闭(!)并且不会再被重制。(刷子滚蛋的节奏……) - the rules for 3rd CW campaign are already written, 3rd campain will come in Autumn, so that in the summer period (patches 9.2 and 9.3) the stronkhold mode is focused on. There will be many rebellions and landings in it, but there will also be many new features 第三次领土战役的规则已经确定,它将会在秋季来到,所以在夏季期间(9.2和9.3版本)堡垒模式将会是关注的重点。这个模式中会有很多叛乱和登陆战(都是领土战相关的)发生,但是也会有很多新特点。(外服的,和国服没关系) - in the future, the “football” and “Karl” modes will return, because they were very popular, there is a wish at WG for championships to be made in them 将来,足球和“卡尔”模式将会回归,因为它们太受欢迎了,它们的拥护者希望WG把这些模式加入游戏。(所以说毛子成天想着搞国战历史战还不如多弄几个这样有意思的娱乐模式呢) - patch 9.2 will bring “atmospheric Prokhorovka”, it was apparently reworked to resemble the atmosphere of the battle more closely 9.2版本将会带来“超有气氛的普罗霍洛夫卡”(这名字……),很显然它被重制使得气氛更加接近真实战斗 - in 9.2, there will be a “complex rebalance” of tanks, mainly tier 10: Leopard 1, FV4202, AMX50B 9.2版本中将会对车辆进行一次复杂的平衡,主要针对10级车:豹1,FV4202,AMX50B - new UI is in testing, the interface will be simplified and the interfaces of various modes unified 新版的用户界面正在进行测试,界面将会被简化且多种模式的界面将会被统一。 - the Soviet premium MT8 was planned already at the beginning of the year, it’s possible (“if we manage to do it”) that in this year, premium MT8 for Germans and premium TD for USA will come 苏系8级金币中坦在年初就开始计划,很可能(“如果我们做得到的话”)今年德系8级金币中坦和美系金币TD也会来到。 - in 9.2, only a few HD tanks will appear (SS: WTF, again?), while 9.3 will bring 20-25 HD tanks 在9.2中,只有少量高清坦克将会出现(SS:卧槽又来?),在9.3中将会有20-25辆的高清坦克 - rework of maps to HD will start this year 对地图的高清化重制今年将会开始(优化呢优化!优化去哪了???) - in 9.2, El Halluf will be reworked 9.2版本埃里哈罗夫将会被重制 - in 9.2, Sacred Valley will return (“with this thing, you’re gonna love it”) 9.2版本中神圣之谷将会回归(“这玩意你们一定会喜欢”) - at first, football was tested in 5v5, but it was decided that this way it’s more fun since platoons can play 一开始足球模式是以5V5的形式进行测试,但是最后决定如果能组队玩会更有意思。 - garage battles are still planned for this year (“when it’s done it’s done”), they are testing variants for tier 8 and 10 车库战仍然计划今年完成(“当我们做好的时候告诉你”),他们正在测试8级和10级不同的多种情况。 - Havok has the same issues as HD rework, the first to come will be object physics Havok和高清重置有相同的优先级,物体物理引擎将会最先来到。 - “Light T-54〃 will be an interesting vehicle, with “small ammo rack, like Type 59〃 轻型T54会是一辆很有意思的车,和“59一样有个小弹药架”。 - KV-1S will definitely be split in 9.3 – into two vehicles: tier 6 and 7, everything is already prepared. Along with it, the entire tier will be rebalanced (Hellcat, Tiger) 很明确的KV1s将会在9.3版本分家-变成两辆车:6级和7级,万事已经具备。同时,整个等级也会被重新平衡(地狱喵和喵式跟着躺……) - tier 10 tank destroyers will be rebalanced in 9.2 (at least WT E-100, FV215b (183)) 10级坦歼在9.2会被重新平衡(至少大百运和183是不得不挨锉刀了……) - according to Inaki, ingame chat channel crashes when more than 5 thousand people participate in it 据Inaki说,当超过5000人使用时游戏内的聊天频道就会崩溃 - next week, there will be a micropatch, that will fix the “moving corpses” and the issues with chat 下周将会有一个迷你补丁来修复“尸体移动(诈尸)”和聊天系统的问题。 - in summer, there will be a new “mission” with the possibility to get a premium tank, the tank will be low tier 暑期将会有一个新的小任务,将会有机会获得一辆低级金币坦克(也是外服的,还是和国服没关系) - Japanese and Chinese trees have branches concepts of artillery from tier 2 to tier 10 日系和中系会有从2-10级的火炮 - regarding the second branch of the British TD’s (SS: the turretted ones), there is an option that this branch will be without tier 10 and both branches will go into one tier 10 (SS: no wonder, balancing the FV4005 Stage II must be a nightmare) 对于第二条英国TD线(SS:有炮塔这条),有一种选项是这条线没有10级车而两条线都会通往同一辆10级车(SS:毫无疑问平衡FV4005 阶段2(就是那个6连发马桶头183)的工作将会是一场噩梦) - no plans to return the Dragon Ridge 香格里拉(国服应该是叫这个)这张图没有回归的计划。 - there will be new crew skills and perks, the old ones will be reworked 将会有新的车组成员技能使得更加有趣,而一些老的技能将会被重制。 - the fate of the Sturmtiger branch is not yet decided, it won’t come in any near patches 突击虎线的命运还没确定,至少它不会在近期的几个版本中来到。 - HD client option will come in 9.3 or 9.4 高清客户端的选项将会在9.3或9.4版本来到 - currently, the ingame tank chat is transferred to an external Jabber server, after which there will be an option to connect to it using external applications 现在,游戏内的聊天系统被转移到了外部的Jabber服务器,之后将会有通过外部应用连接聊天系统的选项。 - there will not be the option to disable maps you dont want to play in the game 不会有选项让你选择不进你不想玩的地图