0625你问我答 欧服尸体移动修复补丁放出
2014-06-24 10:11来源:多玩发布者:俏面小郎君新手卡|游戏下载
23.6.2014 Posted onJune 23, 2014bySilentstalker—21 Comments ↓ Hello everyone, 大家好,想死你们了 today, yet another day without significant QA (Storm is on his well-deserved three week vacation). However: 今天,又是一天没有啥Q&A的日子(stoorm获得了应得的三天“例假”),然而…… - the micropatch “UI issues” that are going to be fixed tomorrow – it’s the issue where you see your friends in friend list as offline even though they are online and can’t invite them to platoon 解决UI问题的微补丁今天就会修复(他的明天,就是我们的今天)。这个问题就是,你看你好友列表里,你得好友不在线,但是他们实际是在的,并且你邀请不了他们。 话说,这个问题国服有么? Posted inQ&A |21 Replies 9.1 Hotfix Tomorrow Posted onJune 23, 2014bySilentstalker—28 Comments ↓ Hello everyone, 哈喽,大家好,再次想死你们了 tomorrow, there will be a hotfix minipatch on the EU server with following changes 明天(也就是今天),欧服会有一个小修复布丁(补丁),如下: - fixed moving corpses of tanks issue 修复坦克尸体移动问题 - fixed various small UI bugs 修复一些UI bug(UI即User Interface——用户界面的简称) Patch will be applied between 6:00 and 6:45AM CEST 时间对咱来说没用,估计国服也会有补丁吧,我确确实实在9.1第一把看见尸体移动了……一梭子过去了…… Posted inUncategorized |28Replies