0625你问我答 坦克闪电战迎来重大版本
2014-06-25 11:51来源:巴豆论坛发布者:yi︶曲゛流年新手卡|游戏下载
According to Overlord, a major patch 1.3 for WoT Blitz is coming. Read more here. 来自Overlord的消息,坦克闪电战重大的版本1.3即将来到。 - Storm (still in vacation) on his earlier denial of moving corpses bug existence: “You have to read exactly what I’ve written” (SS: basically, he wrote earlier that the bug was not confirmed yet, now it apparently was and hence it was fixed) Storm (仍在度假)关于他早前否定尸体移动现象存在的说法:你需要正确的看待我写了什么 (SS:总的来说,他写到之前的bug尚未确认,但现在显然确认了,所以才进行了修复) - Storm states that the moving corpses reports from the common test were isolated and non-systematic. When the patch was released, the numbers of reports increased and hence the bug was fixed Storm 表示从测试服中报告的尸体移动问题是孤立的和非系统的。当版本正式发布时,这个bug的报告数量开始增加,因此进行了修复。 - apparently, the bug where a tank can suddenly make a 360 degrees turn will be fixed in new motion physics 坦克突然进行360°回旋的bug在新的运动物理效果中将会修复。 - Storm states that his vacation will last for long time yet (SS: two more weeks) Storm 表示他的假期还有挺长时间 (2周多) - developers decided not to implement temporary break in premium account (SS: as in, a player goes for a vacation and stops temporarily his premium account from running), because it’s very unconvenient (SS: unprofitable) for them 开发人员没有决定实施高级帐号临时停用功能(举个例子,一玩家去度假,那就暂时停止运行他的高帐),因为这样他们来说很不方便*(SS:无利可图) - preparation of WoT:Blitz for Android will “take a few months” 坦克闪电战安卓版的准备工作需要花费数月的时间。