0627你问我答 手游版闪电战的一些信息
2014-06-27 10:37来源:多玩发布者:你的样吇如往昔新手卡|游戏下载
26.6.2014 Posted on June 26, 2014 by Silentstalker — 45 Comments ↓ Unfortunately, with Storm on vacation (a week and a half more IIRC), very little is new. The ASIA “developer Q&A” with Tanitha looks promising, but he sort of backed off (understandeably) and needs to clear what he can tell players officially and what he can’t. Should be interesting still. 不幸的是,Storm还在度假中,还有一周半多点的样子,信息还是很少。亚服“Tanitha 搞的开发人员问答” 看起来很有前途(不错),不过貌似有点畏畏缩缩(可以理解),并且需要明确的是他能够告诉玩家官方的消息,但有些他不能透露。总的来说仍然挺有趣的。 Oddly enough, the EU portal did not inform (unlike the RU one) that the WoT Blitz was officially released, so… World of Tanks Blitz was officially released and you can get it officially here. Android version will come in the upcoming months. You can discuss the news on Overlord’s blog! 奇怪的是,欧服网站上没有通知说坦克闪电战正式发布, 因此我来说下,坦克闪电战正式发布了,并且你可以在here. 获得官方版本,安卓版会在随后的几个月出现。 - apparently, the issue with players not seeing friends in the garage as online even though they are persists after the micropatch 显然,即便升级了微补丁,玩家在车库里看不到在线好友的问题仍然存在 - same goes, according to player feedback, for the “moving corpses” bug, it seems the issue was NOT fixed 同样的,根据玩家反馈来看,对于“诈尸”的bug,看起来这个问题并没有予以修复。 - Blitz is separate from WoT, including statistics and servers, but you can log in using the same account as in WoT 坦克闪电战是和坦克世界分开的,包括统计数据和服务器,不过你可以使用坦克世界的帐号来登录闪电战。 - there will not be unified premium between WoT and WoTBlitz 高级帐号不会在坦克和闪电战之间通用。