0628你问我答 9.1计划加入三系的8级轻坦
2014-06-28 11:14来源:多玩发布者:你的样吇如往昔新手卡|游戏下载
27.6.2014 Posted on June 27, 2014 by Silentstalker — 65 Comments ↓ Very little from Russia, but luckily, Tanitha talked about some interesting stuff on ASIA forums (Blitz answers come from Overlord) 俄服论坛那边的信息很少,不过幸好Tanitha在亚服论坛上说了一些有趣的东西(闪电战的回答来自Overlord) - World of Tanks: Blitz is already no.1 free app in RU region after its release 坦克闪电战发布后,在俄罗斯已经成为了第一免费APP。 - according to Overlord, WoT Blitz got tremendous support from players, partners and press Overlord的说法,坦克闪电战从玩家、合作伙伴以及媒体那里获得了巨大的支持。 - Tanitha confirms that adding new tanks into the game won’t stop Tanitha 证实不会停止添加新车。 - new French regular tanks most likely won’t come in 2014 新的法系普通车很可能不会在2014年出现了。 - premium ammo is not on sale during events much anymore, because it can be purchased for credits 金币弹不会再活动期间折扣出售,因为能够用银币购买 - developers are considering various “loyalty programs” (bonuses for old players), none have been approved yet however. It’s possible such a system (allegedly quite complicated) will see the light of day around the end of the year 开发人员正考虑做多个“忠诚度计划”(给老玩家的奖励),然而还没哪一个获得批准通过,可能这样的一个系统会在年末看到它的雏形。 - EU tanks will not come soon (not in 2014) (SS: but they will, horay :)) 欧洲车不会很快加入游戏 - the idea to implement TOG II* into the game apparently came from developer visits to the Bovington museum TOG II*加入游戏的想法是来自开发人员所参观的巴温顿博物馆。 - currently, the roaming option is not a matter of “when”, but “if at all”, there is apparently no release plan for it at the moment (SS: so it’s possible it won’t come at all) 现在来说,跨服功能不是“什么时候”加入游戏的问题,而是是否会加入,此时此刻显然还没有计划去发布这个功能。 - US light tanks (the “Chaffee branch”), German LT8 (RU251) and Soviet LT8 (LTTB) are currently planned for 9.3 美系轻坦线,德系8级轻坦以及苏系8级轻坦,目前的计划是在9.3加入游戏。 - Wargaming is cooperating with Sony to promote the tank movie Fury, the movie is still far away (SS: November), but it’s possible there will be an ingame event connected to its release WG正与索尼合作来推销有关坦克的电影《Fury》,影片还很遥远(SS:发布时间在11月),不过可能会有一个与影片发布相关的游戏内的活动。 - interestingly enough, the tier 8 Soviet light tank in the game is referred to as “LTB”, when the semi-historical name is “LTTB” (literally “light tank with heavy armor”) 更有趣的是,S系8级轻坦在游戏里被称作“LTB”,同时这个半史实的名称为“LTTB” (从字面上来看是“重装甲轻型坦克”)