2014-06-29 14:15来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
Source: VK Wotleaks community Hello everyone, so, it seems that the earlier information about Malinovka changes was confirmed by another source. The lower base had the buildings apparently removed, but the base recieved some cover (of unknown type for now, possibly stones and such) the way the northern base has it. 之前提到有关地图马利懦夫卡变化的信息已经通过另一个来源证实了。下方基地的建筑物(基地有房子的一边)被移除,不过会像北边基地那样添加一些掩体(暂时是何种类型的掩体不清楚,可能是诸如石头之类的)。