

   future light tank. Sure, therewas the Chaffee, but the army was looking for something that would pack abigger punch. The production of the Chaffee ended in August 1945 with roughly4.7k made (in the future, they would scatter all over the world, sold toUS-friendly countries). Meanwhile, between January and November 1945, an armyequipment committee convened twice, each time recommending a new tankdevelopment. In the eyes of the committee, this new light tank should havebetter firepower and mobility than the M24 and should be armed with a 76mm(3in) gun, capable of penetrating 127mm of armor (5in), sloped at 30 degrees at914 meters (1000 yards). The vehicle was to weigh 25 tons.











  The vehiclewas armed with the 76mm T94 gun (already in the game, Chaffee’s top gun with137mm PEN), capable of -9/+20 elevation, historical rate of fire was 12 roundsper minute. It was not automatically loaded. Its historical muzzle velocitywith AP rounds was 2600 feet per second (792 m/s).

  它的主炮为76mm T94炮(就是霞飞的顶级炮,137穿),俯仰角-9—+20,历史上的射速为每分钟12发,没有弹夹,历史上打AP弹的炮口初速为每秒2600尺(792m/s)

  Indevelopment Phase II, the vehicle was supposed to be armed with the 76mm T91(an identical gun to the 76mm T185 – in the game, it’s the T71′s top gun (175mmpenetration), only without the automatic loading and with Vickers fire controlsystem). Phase II vehicle was subsequently renamed to T41. Phase III (also T41)was to include an automatic loading device or a stubby case, increasing theproposed rate of fire. The first T37 was shipped to Aberdeen Proving Grounds inMay 1949 and was tested until August 1950, when it was returned to Detroit fortest results evaluation, after the outbreak of fighting in Korea.

  在第二阶段中,计划将其主炮换装为76mm T91(和游戏中T71的76mm T185炮数据相似,175穿),只是没有弹夹,但是有维克斯火控系统。第二阶段的设计随后被命名为T41。第三阶段(同样是T41)计划安装自动装填装置或者一个可以增加射速的硬盒。第一部T37在1949年5月被装船运往阿伯丁,测试一直持续到1950年8月(朝战爆发后),随后又被送回底特律进行测试结果的评估。

  Along withthe T37, the Phase II tanks (T41) were also tested in Aberdeen (threeprototypes were made), armed with the aforementioned T91 76mm high-power gun ina modified turret. The original T37 project was cancelled due to the Koreanwar, while the T41 Stage II (Stage III with autoloader was never built, again,due to the Korean War) project was modified, specifically by changing theinternal turret layout, eliminating the turret blister machineguns andincreasing the turret ring size. This redesigned version by Detroit Arsenal wasredesignated as T41E1 and in January 1950, Cadillac recieved a contract tobuild roughly 100 of those. The contract was later postponed due to Korean War(again), resulting in further modifications of the vehicle and that is how theM41 Walker Bulldog came to be, but that is a story for another time.

  和T37一样,第二阶段坦克(T41)同样在阿伯丁接受了测试(共造出了3部原型),在一个改进型的炮塔中装备之前提到的T91 76mm大威力主炮。最初的T37项目因为朝战的爆发而取消,但是第二阶段的T41(带自动装填机的第三阶段方案同样因为朝战爆发而流产)却得到了改进,主要是改变炮塔内部的布局,取消炮塔上安装机枪的突起,增加座圈直径。由底特律兵工厂提出的这个重新设计过的版本得到了T41E1的代号,在1950年1月,凯迪拉克得到了建造100辆的合同。该合同同样由于朝战而被推迟,导致了更多改进的出现,这也就为M41的出现埋下了伏笔,但那是另一个故事了。

  The T41, likethe T37, had a crew of four men. It had the same nominal armor, the turret justlooked a bit different. Its T91 gun was capable of 12 round per minute (as mentioned,the Stage II had a loader), the elevation was -9/+20 as well. The engine andperformance was the same too, but the vehicle weighed 23,4 tons, resulting inslightly worse power-to-weight ratio.



上一篇:坦克世界外服资讯 超测服马利懦夫卡变动 下一篇:坦克世界几种影响发挥的坏习惯—你们中了几枪


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

