0630你问我答 美系七级轻坦沃克猛犬登场
2014-06-30 18:00来源:多玩发布者:你的样吇如往昔新手卡|游戏下载
29.6.2014 Posted on June 29, 2014 by Silentstalker — 34 Comments ↓ An interesting article by Listy about fighting the Adoo rebels in Oman - apparently, it’s possible that FV4202 will be replaced by something else, while the FV4202 becomes a tier 8 premium tank with its historical 20pdr gun (SS: some sources mention the early Chieftain, others Vickers MBT). Whether FV4202 will be given “for free” as the T34 was ages ago (when it became a premium tank) is not known. 显然,FV4202可能会被其它车辆替换,同时FV4202会变成8级金币车,拥有历史上的20磅炮(SS:部分消息源提到过早前的酋长,还有什么维克斯MBT)。是否会像很久以前T34那样免费送给玩家还不得而知。 Straight Outta Supertest: M41 Walker Bulldog 超测服泄漏:M41 沃克犬 Posted on June 29, 2014 by Silentstalker — 62 Comments ↓ Hello everyone, here are the pictures of the M41 Walker Bulldog, upcoming tier 7 American light tank. The pictures are in top configuration. Interesting part is that it is not made in HD. 下面是 M41 Walker Bulldog的图片,即将到来的美系7级轻坦,图上显示的是完全体配置。有意思的地方是居然不是高清模型。