
0703你问我答 为什么要拿锉刀来削183

2014-07-03 16:47来源:多玩发布者:你的样吇如往昔新手卡|游戏下载


  Posted on July 2, 2014 by Silentstalker — 74 Comments ↓

  - Storm confirms: in 9.2 supertest patchnotes, there was a mistake, specifically in the part that says that HD model will display only on player’s tank – in fact, HD models will display on all HD tanks, but the textures will be at 50 percent quality on other tanks

  Storm 确认:在9.2超测补丁说明中,存在一个错误,特别是在某部分中说道高清模型只会在玩家的坦克上显示——而事实却是,高清模型会在所有的高清车辆上显示,只是纹理质量在其它车辆上显示一半。

  - the change above was made so the textures do not overload graphic memory, Storm states that the difference is noticeable only on 1-1,5 meter distance


  - will the change above reduce lags from HD tanks being scouted for the first time on the map that some players have been reporting? Storm: “I cannot say anything about that”


  - FV215b (183) HESH pen was nerfed because other nerfs, such as DPM nerf etc. wouldn’t solve the issues with oneshots from this tank, there was even an exact internal calculation of what effect will this change have on heavy tanks when firing at them from the front

  FV215b (183)金币弹的穿深被削弱,原因是削弱其它方面的参数,比如DPM之类的,并不能解决“秒杀”的问题。甚至于内部还有一个这样的变化对于FV215b (183) 射击重坦正面所产生效果的计算。

  - Storm talking about FV215b (183) nerf: “The vehicle was balanced around its AP shell, which has more than decent characteristics. The fact that everyone started using HESH shells was not expected by the balancers and it was our mistake. HESH shell with 230 penetration will still have its uses against “paper” targets and when shooting enemies in the side or in the back”

  Storm 谈到FV215b (183) 的削弱:这车的平衡是围绕它的AP弹来展开的,这样FV215b (183) 有着比其它车更好的AP弹穿深参数。但事实却是,玩家们一开局就用金币弹的做法让平衡人员始料不及,这是我们的失误。230穿深的金币弹仍旧可以用于一些“纸糊”的目标,以及射击敌人的侧面和尾部。

  - IS-3 will not appear in HD in 9.2, it was postponed

  IS-3在 9.2版本中不会有高清模型,被推迟了。

  - there is no plan to merge Korean and ASIA server


  - currently, VK4502(P) Ausf.B is being considered for Armor buffs of the upper and lower glacis plates

  VK4502(P) Ausf.B 正被考虑加强首上和首下的倾斜装甲

  - the Sentinel Australian tank might be “introduced one day, not in 2014 though” (SS: according to what Chieftain said earlier, Sentinel will not be a part of the LL “Firefly” branch, so it’s possible it will come later)


  - it’s possible the Australian units Kangaroo decal will appear in WoT



上一篇:坦克世界你问我答 美系七级轻坦沃克猛犬登场 下一篇:坦克世界你问我答 搞这么多卫星忙的过来?


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

