超测服资讯 9.2新增的勋章及M41数据
2014-07-04 16:12来源:多玩发布者:你的样吇如往昔新手卡|游戏下载
Straight Outta Supertest – 9.2 New Medals Posted on July 3, 2014 by Silentstalker — 16 Comments ↓ Please note that the official names of the medals are not known, only the internal file names (as written under the icons) 要注意的是这些勋章的官方名称未知,只是内部的文件名称(上图图标下所写的) For team battles: 7/42模式里的勋章:(勋章名称等待官方命名) battleTested– awarded for the number of awards from team battles (SS: as in, if you get some number of medals from TB, you get this award), in multiple ranks 奖励那些在7/42模式中获得一定数量勋章的玩家(SS: 也就是说,如果你在7/42中获得了一定数量的勋章,你就会获得这个奖励),划分多个等级。 bruteForceMedal– for 10 times destroying the enemy by ramming 撞死敌人10次 guerrillaMedal– for 10 times destroying the enemy without being spotted, the enemy has to be in your line of sight 在没被点亮的情况下击毁敌人10次,敌人还要在你的视线中 infiltratorMedal– for getting 1000 base capture points, points only count when the battle ends with base capture 获得1000点占领基地点数,点数只有在以占基为前提结束的战斗才计算在内。 prematureDetonationMedal– for destroying the enemy by ammorack explosion 10 times 以弹药架爆炸的方式击毁敌人10次(这个有点难度,游戏至今好像也就10次左右) sentinelMedal– for getting 1000 base defense points, points count only in victorious battles 获得1000点防御点数,点数只在胜利的战斗中才计算在内 For CW: 领土战的勋章: Rotmistrov’s Medal– awarded for the amount of battles played in CW mode, in multiple ranks 奖励那些玩领土战达到一定数量的玩家,划分多个等级。 Straight Outta Supertest – M41 Walker Bulldog Details Posted on July 3, 2014 by Silentstalker — 56 Comments ↓ Source: VK Wotleaks community Hello everyone, remember the M41 Walker Bulldog leak? A few more bits of information came out. 大家还记得之前泄漏的M41沃克犬吗?现有有了一些更详细的信息。 This however is a) not 100 percent confirmed b) could (and probably will) change c) very preliminary 但是呢: 1:并不能100%的确认 2:可能会有变动 3:很初步的数据 So keep that in mind. Anyway, according to the leak, the pre-top gun is going to have an autoloader. It’s going to be a 76mm gun with a magazine for 10 rounds, 2 seconds reload between each rounds, each round will do 150 damage and will have 175 penetration (so that’s 1500 damage per clip). The magazine reload time currently is 21 seconds. The top gun will be the same gun (175mm pen, 150 damage), but without an autloader and the reload time between shots will be 3 seconds and it will also have better accuracy. 以上说的要注意,总之就是,根据泄漏的信息来看,预置(第一种)的顶级炮是有弹夹的,口径76mm,弹夹内10发,2秒短装填,穿深175,单伤150 (一轮下来就是1500的伤害,也不少了)。弹夹的装填时间是21秒。 顶级炮和前面一样,也是175穿深,150伤害,但是没有弹夹,装填时间是3秒,并且精度更好。 The size of Walker Bulldog is quite large for a light tank – it’s almost as big as Patton/Pershing. 沃克犬是个大型化的轻坦——它的大小和巴顿/潘兴一样 Edit: Updated the info based on my own sources. 注意 提供的信息是以SS自己的消息来源为基础的 Gun with autoloader (pre-top), 76mm, crew skills taken into account 炮是76mm的弹夹炮,成员技能考虑在内 穿深:Penetration: 175 伤害:Damage: 150 DPM: 1848,6 模块伤害:Module damage: 105 弹夹装填时间:Reload time for the magazine: 30,685s 射速:ROF: 12,324 载弹量:Ammo carried: 70 弹夹炮弹数:Shells in autoloader: 10 短装时间:Time between shots: 2s 顶级炮 Top gun (76mm) 穿深 :Penetration: 175 伤害:Damage: 150 DPM: 2681,6 模块伤害:Module damage: 105 装填时间:Reload time: 3,356 射速:ROF: 17,878 载弹量:Ammo carried: 65