2013-09-23 11:10来源:网络发布者:门断平三色里三新手卡|游戏下载
坦克世界9月23日你问我答,不会有显示旧版统计数据的选项的。 - there will be no option to enable the old statistics window in settings 不会有显示旧版统计数据的选项的。 - new crew skills aren’t coming anytime soon 近期不会引入新的乘员技能。 - devs considered increasing the amount of slots for equipment, but decided not to do it, because “the choice of what to put on a tank is also a part of the gameplay, the more you can mount on your tank, the lesser the role this part of gameplay has” 开发组考虑过增加装备槽[炮队镜那些],但是最后没有这么做,因为“选择使用什么装备也是游戏的一环,你能装的越多,这一环在游戏中的作用就越小。” - Storm states that big game releases (such as BF3, Warcraft datadisk, GTA5) have almost no impact on WoT playerbase, there have been temporary short drops by several percent Storm称热门游戏的发布(战地3、wow的资料片、GTA5等)对WOT的玩家数基本没有影响,玩家数只会临时性的下降几个百分点。 - Storm confirms that the difference between the MM weight of both teams must be lower than 10 percent Storm确认双方的分房权重和之差不会超过10%。[每种坦克都有一个分房权重值] - the fact you can see the destruction of objects by a tank that’s not seen yet by your team is intentional 未被点亮的敌方车辆摧毁物件[撞倒树等]能被观察到是有意为之的。 - more convenient mechanism for searching players for companies and platoons is planned 计划推出更方便的寻找组队/联队队友的机制。 - Storm states that the distance from bush to tank (specifically the 15 meters rule) is measured from the center of the bush to the center of the tank, but he’s not absolutely sure Storm称坦克到草丛的距离(特指草后15米原则)是按中心点间的距离算的,不过他并不是完全确定。 - Storm (regarding the packet loss issue in 0.8.8) states there has not been any engine update in the patch, but it seems the 0.5.3 WoWp now has the same issue Storm谈到8.8的丢包问题时,称该补丁中没有对游戏引擎做任何更新;不过WoWp5.3版中也出现了相同的问题。 - Q: “SerB, why do you think the game that is supposed to be relaxing provokes so many negative emotions in many players?” A:”I think that this is because ‘many players’ are immature, envious and they blame everyone but themselves for their failures” Q:坦克之神啊,为什么我们这个休闲游戏在许多玩家中激起了大量的负面情绪呢? A:WOT玩家要提高自己的姿势水平。我比你们着急呀,你们有一个好队友出点什么问题,你们比其他游戏的玩家喷得还快!我觉得吧,这是因为“许多玩家”都不够成熟,充满嫉妒心,宽以律己而严于待人。 - the tank with best camo factor in 0.8.8? “Won’t be disclosed” 8.8中哪辆坦克隐蔽系数最好?“就不说,你来打我啊” - the possibility to “prolong” the time remaining on camos brought by credits (SS: for example you buy camo, then it’s 3 days left and you want to prolong it by buying another week) is not there, because in order to introduce it the devs would have to make the system more complicated, it won’t be done in the future 不会加入延长银币涂装有效时间的功能(SS:比如你买了个涂装,它只剩3天有效期了,然后你想通过再买个一样的涂装来延长其持续时间),因为要引入这一机制的话游戏系统会变得复杂许多。 -consumables that increase crew XP gain? “Wait for announcements” 会有增加乘员经验增长速度的给养吗?“等公告吧。” [编辑:nak]