1011你问我答 新模式胜方幸存经验更多
- SerB stats that when a team wins and the tank survives, it gets more XP than if the team wins and the tank dies, but the difference is not big SerB:在胜利队伍中,幸存者会获得更高的经验,不过差别与已经挂掉队友差别不大"。 - SerB confirms that there will be another special “7/42-like” game mode for tier 10 tanks, it won’t be such a long wait as it was for the 7/42, because the mechanism is already developed SerB:我们将专门为10级车推出一种和7-42连队相似的模式,而且大家很快就能玩上了,因为他的机制以及开发的差不多了。 - Sturmtiger will be implemented, “when it’s done”, SerB states that while he won’t go into any details, there might be some more German monsters á la WTE100 coming at some point (SerB confirms it will most likely be a TD) (SS: I’d hazard a guess he means the Bär) SerB:突击喵,会有的,至于其他的消息,对不起,无可奉告,除此之外,还会有更多类似E-100武器运载车之类的德国怪物出现。 - 8.9 Waffenträgers getting additional gun changes? “If necessery” 8.9的德国2线TD会有什么别的炮的改动么? 如果有必要的话。 - SerB states that average XP per battle was always lower for arty than for other classes SerB:火炮的场均经验总是比其他车型要低一些。 - Q: “There are people who are (SS: medically) addicted to the game, what will you do to help them?” A: “Well, I am always writing here: ‘don’t play…’ – maybe it saved someone” 毛子,毛子,有人玩你家的WOT上瘾了,有人玩你家的WOT放弃治疗了,怎么办? SerB:我说啥来着? 吃我六字真言! ——说不定吃了我的六字真言&平衡还原参军三位一体波纹疾走之后,他们就恢复正常了。 - renting/buying for credits of premium tanks won’t be implemented6 当然,用银币买/租金币车的想法是不现实的。 - Brummbär “didn’t drop out anywhere” (SS: as in, it is still planned) 我们不会放弃灰熊突击炮的,他现在我们的卫星名单中。 - new equipment is not planned for now 至少现在不会有新配件。 - SerB states that the BF4 engine is pretty, but WG won’t buy it, the “packet” solutions are already spent and now it’s time to improve (polish) what they have (one of the reasons for no BF4 engine is the fact it doesn’t work on Windows XP) SerB:男朋友4(战地4)的引擎很好很强大诶! 不过,我们可不会用这种玩意,我们也做好了自己的优化方法,是时候展现真正的技术了!(真相:战地4的引擎不能再XP系统上运行————人艰不拆,人艰不拆)! - 5 arty hardcap is not removed 火炮上限依旧为5。 - Havok and smoke/fire effects are not tied to one another Havok和火焰烟雾特效没有关联。 - hardcap for TD’s is not planned5 没有TD上限。 [编辑:nak]