1011你问我答 新模式胜方幸存经验更多
2013-10-11 15:16来源:网络发布者:yi︶曲゛流年新手卡|游戏下载
- SerB states that he’d like to have more than two turrets per vehicle (SS: in some cases at least) SerB:我很乐意让每辆车的可选炮塔多于2个。 - accuracy rebalance is not planned 毛子似乎不打算重新平衡精准度。 - SerB states that the reason for the drawing distance and spotting limit is that on one hand the typical engaging distance during WW2 was 300-500 meters, but on the other hand also the fact that it’s not interesting gameplay-wise to shoot “dots on the horizon” SerB:知道为什么我们要限制点亮距离和显示距离么? 1.我们这是还原历史啊,要知道2战的时候,交战距离也就300-500米而已啦;2,这是从游戏性方面考虑的,毕竟,朝着地平线上的某个点射击是一点意思都没有的。 - anti-aliasing TXAA? “when it’s done it’s done”, but apparently not anytime soon, it hasn’t been decided yet when it will come 蛤?抗锯齿? 会有的,不过不是现在,具体出现时间不明。 - SerB states that he German tanks killing their enemies at 2,5km were either simply accidents, or the tankers made the story u SerB:德棍们够了! 德国战车在2,5KM外击杀敌军————这纯属运气,或者说,这是德棍YY出来的。 - KV-7 (Object 227) will most likely not appear in WoT, but it’s possible that one of the KV-7 variants with two (linked) 76,2mm ZIS-5 might appear, SerB states that it’s a very strange vehicle KV-7,也就是Object277出现在WOT的概率不高,不过KV-7的某个装有双联装76炮的变形车有可能出现,SerB表示这是一辆很奇葩的车。 - developers actually considered the option to allow players to unlock one tier 10 tank from another tier 10 tank (IS-7 from IS-4 for example), but decided not to do it SerB:其实一开始我们是打算让10级车可以直接点亮别的10级车的,不过后来放弃了。 - Soviet hightier light tanks won’t be implemented for now, because although there are candidates for those tiers, those tanks are only paper projects and the tiers under them (6-7) are not clear either 啊,苏联不会有高级LT,因为我们能找到每级LT的候选人,但他们都是图纸车,而且6级以下车的数据不是很清楚。 - the fact a vehicle is open-topped and doesn’t need ventilation is taken into account by WG when balancing vehicle characteristics (namely: increased ROF and view range, decreased weight) 为什么敞篷车没有通风呢? 因为毛子在设定数据的时候就默认他们自带通风了"。 - no plans for additional equipment and consumables slots 当然,没有底4个配件槽或者给养槽的。