1024你问我答 欧洲科技树概念初步成形
2013-10-24 13:35来源:网络发布者:lancer_m新手卡|游戏下载
For all those interested in modelling (real life modelling, like plastic tank kits), Revell is offering its products with World of Tanks codes inside. Pretty neat. 对模型感兴趣的人们(真的车模,塑料坦克组装包什么的),威望/利华模型[我不知道哪个名字更常用]正在发售带有WoT兑换码的产品。非常巧妙的想法。 Also, the first FTR QA test was not successful: the questions were not replied for some reason, but the player was not banned, so no rules were broken. Will run a second test. 第一期FTR的QA测试不成功:由于某些原因问题没有得到回答,但玩家账号倒是没有被ban,所以不算破坏什么规则。会再测试一次的。 - there is no special MM for platoons 小队其实没有特殊的分房规则。 - the D-83 gun is not planned for World of Tanks (SS: Soviet experimental gun projected for IS-3, if I recall correctly with like 380mm pen) D-83不打算加入WoT(SS:苏联为IS-3设计的试验炮,如果我记得没错的话好像是380mm穿深的样子) - Soviet “konisch” type squeezebore guns (for example the S-40 with 76-57mm) are not planned 没有计划给苏联加入“SB炮”类型的锥膛炮(比如76-57mm的S-40)。 - apparently, the ARL-44 armor and engine horsepower are correct in game, wikipedia (SS: well, at least the Russian one) has it wrong 显然ARL 44的装甲和发动机马力都是对的,维基百科写的(SS:至少俄文维基的)是错的。 - WoWp won’t apparently have plans with 80-100mm guns WoWp显然不会计划做80-100mm的炮。 - SerB states that the autoloader vehicles implementation in WoT is okay SerB说弹夹车在WoT中的表现方式没问题。 - the number reload timer in 8.9 is not based on any mod, it was made from scratch 8.9的装填计时器不是靠插件实现的,是用[Scratch]做的[某儿童编程工具]。 - more functions, allowed by mods (SS: for example custom healthbars and such) do not appear in the game because their usefulness is “questionable”. When asked, who decides what is questionable, SerB replies that WoT is not a democracy and the developers decide what is useful and what is not 更多的插件提供的功能(SS:比如自定义血条什么的)并没有出现在游戏里,因为它们是否有用还是“有疑问的”。当被问及谁决定插件功能是否有问题的时候,SerB回答说WoT并不是民主社会,是开发人员决定哪些有用哪些没用。 - XP gain when someone else is scouting: when damage done is equal, both TD/tanks and arty get the same amount of XP 打被别人点亮的目标的经验值获取问题:如果造成伤害的数值一样,TD、坦克和火炮都获得同样的经验值。 - there are no camo mechanism changes in 8.9 8.9没有动隐蔽机制。 - there is a small XP bonus for surviving a battle, but SerB states it’s not much 在战斗中幸存有一点经验值奖励,SerB说那个奖励不多。 - there is already a rough concept for the European tech tree, but it’s very premature, SerB states that it is analogical a bit to the way Chinese tanks added (SS: as in, there are some local versions of existing tanks, just like China has for example the Chinese Chi-Ha) 欧洲科技树已经有了初步的概念了,但还是最初期的想法,SerB说欧洲线和中国线坦克加入的方式有一点相似(SS:即有一些现有坦克的本地化版本,就像中国的奇哈什么的)。 - according to SerB, the F1 turret and not the [prototype turret] was picked for ARL-44, because there were very little differences between this turret and the regular one 据SerB说,ARL 44选中F1炮塔而不是原型炮塔,是因为这两个炮塔的区别非常的小。 - price of a shell is not determined by the shell power apparently (SS: that’s why the Chinese 122mm HEAT shells were not made cheaper, even though their penetration was nerfed) 炮弹的价格显然不是由炮弹威力决定的(SS:这就是中国的122HEAT在穿深nerf之后并没有降价的原因)。 - there is already a concept how to handle the European tech tree crews, it will be disclosed when the time is right 现在已经有了如何处理欧洲坦克树车组的初步想法,会在合适的时间透露。 - apparently, there will be no special permanent reward for the best damage dealer of the losing team in randoms (as an improvement to the “courageous resistance”) 不会有给随机战斗中失败队伍造成伤害最高的人的永久性特殊奖励(作为对“勇敢抵抗”奖励的加强)。 - there will be at least one more patch in 2013 apart from 8.9 2013年除了8.9以外还会有至少一个新版本补丁。 [编辑:nak]