
专家解读 坦克世界苏联坦克知识第二期

2013-10-29 15:59来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载


"I remind you that factory #9 is going to throw off the re-armament of Matilda tanks. Instead of the planned 120 guns, they only produced 47. Meanwhile, they over-fulfilled their quota of ZiS-5 guns for the KV tank, which we have plenty of. The re-armament of Matilda tanks should be your problem #1. Take decisive action to correct this production for the 2nd quarter and make up the deficiency for the 1st quarter."

“我提醒你,9号工厂打算放弃为马蒂尔达重新安装新炮的工程,计划中应该生产120门炮,但是他们只造了47门。目前,它们生产了太多用于KV的 ZiS-5炮,而我们还有多余的库存。马蒂尔达重新安装新炮应该是你们的首要任务。请做出有效的决定以便在第二季度更正你们的生产计划,以弥补第一季度的缺失。”

It is not known if any Matildas were armed with ZiS-96 guns at all, since, starting with Spring 1942, the USSR started receiving Matilda CS infantry support tanks, which at least had satisfactory HE shells, unlike the 2-pounder gun. In Spring of 1943, Matilda tanks were no longer ordered by the USSR at all.

The Valentine received a similar treatment. The lack of HE shells for the 2-pounder gun made it ineffective in its infantry support role. The solution to this was a combination of a 45 mm gun and DT machine gun, named ZiS-95. ZiS-95 was installed on one Valentine in December of 1941, but that was it. Much like the Matilda CS howitzer, the Valentine eventually received a 57 mm 6-pounder gun, which was very effective against enemy tanks, to the level that the 45 mm couldn't dream of.

The narrow tracks of the Valentine were also insufficient for winter weather, and received spurs like the Matilda.


瓦伦丁的境遇也差不多。由于缺乏2磅炮的HE炮弹,它在进行步兵支援时的效果大打折扣。对此的解决方案是安装45mm炮和DT机枪,这个组合名叫 ZiS-95。ZiS-95曾于1941年12月安装在瓦伦丁上,但也仅限于此。和马蒂尔达CS榴弹炮类似,瓦伦丁最终获得了一门对敌方坦克很有效的 57mm 6磅炮,这是45mm炮所望尘莫及的。


Q: How many turrets does Tank Grote have?

A: Tank Grote had one rotating turret, the top one with the 37 mm AA gun. The 76.2 mm gun was not in a rotating turret.

Edit: I realized that you may have meant the heavy Grote tank. That monstrosity came in 3 or 6 turret variants. Obviously none were ever built.




Q: Was there gun called 122 mm M-62-C2 ? (used in WoT in SU-122-54)

A: Yes, a non-stabilized version of the M-62 gun was built to replace the D-49 gun in the SU-122-54.

Q:历史上存在名叫122mm M-62-C2的炮吗(游戏中SU-122-54用的炮)?


Q: Is the current 107 mm top gun on the KV-4 close to reality?

A: Let's take a look at Soviet 107 mm guns. The top gun is the "107 mm high power gun". It gets a pretty impressive 188 mm of penetration at 1000 meters, against armour sloped at 30 degrees. Since WoT measures penetration against flat armour at 100 meters, I'm going to have to do some approximations.

The ZiS-6 gun in game gets 167 mm of penetration. The ZiS-6 in that document gets 115 mm of penetration. Assuming the ratios hold, the longer gun in WoT should have about 273 mm of penetration. The in-game gun only has 227 mm of penetration. Russian Bias, why have you abandoned me!?




上一篇:8.9车辆性能改变 部分弱势车辆批量加强 下一篇:8.9版车辆性能改变 二、三级TD数据变化


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

