
分房系统详解 毛子想得还是很周到的

2013-12-13 16:09来源:网络发布者:113322qwe1新手卡|游戏下载

  - While collecting the team forthe battle, the MM fills empty slots in it while moving gradually from slot 1to slot 15, skipping those that have already been filled. At the same time itkeeps an eye on the queue and from the queue the vehicle, whose MM weight isclosest to the one assigned to the empty slot is picked.

  - 当选择车辆进队伍的时候,分房系统从1到15依次填充这15个槽,跳过已经填充好了的。同时,系统关注等待队列,从中选出分房权重最接近的车,放入选好的槽里。

  - But even if the MM weight ofthe vehicle differs from the one of the slot, the slot is filled with it andthe MM weights of unoccupied slots are adjusted so that the sum of the team MMweight doesn’t differ by more than 10 percent (20 percent in case there is aplayer in the queue, waiting for more than three minutes). This explains thecases where the teams have a significantly weaker tank on the last slot of theteam: the MM corrected the MM weights of the slots several times and the lastunoccupied slot proved to be the hardest to fill.

  - 即使某个车被放在了一个与它分房权重不符合的槽里,它也不会被动,系统会调整剩下的空槽的权重,从而使得两队整体的分房权重总和之间的差距不超过百分之十(出现百分之二十的情况是因为有个人在等候队列里等了超过三分钟)这就解释了为什么有时候在队伍的最后一个槽的那个车是个特别特别弱的车,因为分房系统不断调整剩下槽的分房权重,而最后一个空槽是最难填充的

  - Slots of both commands arefilled in sync, from slot 1 to slot 15. “Rearranging” of 30 already pickedvehicles in order to ensure the equality of compositions does not happen, soeven if one team has a group of vehicles of the same type and the other doesn’t, whenthe other MM conditions are met, such teams are sent to battle. When fillingthe empty slots in teams starting from 6th slot, the MM does not crosscheck thetype and tier of the vehicle against the slot with the same number on otherteam, so it makes no sense to compare “pair to pair” both teams in battle from6th place onwards. But even in first 5 slots the rule of “equal pairing” can becancelled, if there are long-waiting vehicles in the queue.

  - 从1到15,插槽的命令都是同步的。“重新安排”30个已经选好的车辆,以确保有相同队伍成分的情况不会发生。所以即使一队有一堆相同类型的车,另一队没有,但是满足其他分房条件,这两队就被送上战场。当填充队伍中第六个之后的槽的时候,分房系统就不会交叉核对两队相对应的槽中车辆类型和级别是否一样。所以比较两队从第六辆车之后的车辆是否“门当户对”没有意义。但是当有一个人等了特别长的时间,(为了让他赶快玩一局)甚至连前五个槽的“门当户对”原则都能被取消

  - If the amoung of players playing on the server is low or if there is an overflowof one type of vehicles in the queue and the battle waiting time increases, insuch a cases following exceptions in MM rules are made:

  - 如果玩家特别少,或者等待队列里某一种类型的车特别特别多导致等待时间变长,以下的一些分房特例就用来对付这些情况:

  - there can be battles with more than 5 arty per team (if an arty player waitedfor more than three minutes for battle)

  - 每一队可能出现5个以上的火炮(如果有个火炮等待了超过3分钟)

  - teams that are not full can be released into battle (7-14 vehicles), both teamshave to have the same amount of vehicles though (this happens when any player’swaiting time is longer than three minutes)

  - 队伍人没满就被丢上战场(一队7到14人),但双方的人数还是相等的(这种情况是当任意一个人等待超过三分钟都会发生的)

  - light tanks with increased MM weight (scouts) can assume the slots for mediumand heavy tanks on the top of the team

  - 被提高分房权重的lt(这里特制侦查车,定义上文有)将会被放入队伍顶端原属于mt和ht的槽里

  - a notable disbalance of tech class and tiers might appear within the sum of MMweights of the team (this concerns arty)

  - 出现与全队分房权重极其不符合的类型或者级别(主要指火炮)

  - starting from battletier 7, a medium tank, TD or arty can appear on the topposition of the team

  - 从战斗等级7以上的房开始,mt,td,火炮都可以当班长

  - if the waiting time is longer than 5 minutes, the tank drops back to the hangarfrom the queue

  - 如果等待超过5分钟,坦克就直接从等待队列送回车库









上一篇:测试服秀430工程:主战坦克鼻祖露锋芒 下一篇:Storm在开发者博客上咨询关于MM的意见


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

