开发人员问答 14年历史战和车库战将整合
2013-12-24 14:27来源:网络发布者:你的样吇如往昔新手卡|游戏下载
Interview with Veider, Knopka and one other developer(来自WG开发者人员的Q&A) everyone, during a recent Wargaming meeting (Japanese-themed, since the Japanese patch is here), several developers were answering questions. Maiorboltach from RU community was kind enough to write a summary in Russian. The answering developers wereStanislav “Veider” Kargin(who was officially confirmed to be Zlobny’s successor as a head of balancing),Darja “Knopka” Klimchuk(who from what I gathered is sort of infamous amongst the Russian players – not sure why) and a member of the videomaking department,Maksim Koltonyuk. Here is the video (so you know what they look like): And here is the summary:最近WG有个玩家见面会,几个开发人员回答了玩家的一些问题,下面是摘要(还有个视频,等有时间搬来) - it was apparently very easy to balance Japanese tanks, as there are no blatant “one trick ponies” and the tanks are roughly average in all parameters, such as terrain passability, guns etc. R系车平衡起来很容易,因此没有所谓的哪方面特别强的车,车辆的所有参数大致都均衡,比如地形适应性,炮等等。 - Japanese tanks will not bring imbalanced vehicles into the game, they fit well into the game R系车不会给游戏带来不平衡,它们对于游戏来说很合适 - Chi-Nu Kai (tier 5 prem) represents well the Japanese gameplay, if you master it, you will play well on Japanese tanks 5级金币车3式改很好的代表了R系车的游戏玩法,假如你掌握了这辆车,那你玩起来其它R系车就容易上手 - there is a cooperation between WG and Girls und Panzer directly in Japan, they are working with the voice actresses from the series and the cartoon makers and soon a worldwide GuP campaign will be launched WG和少女战车有着直接合作的关系,他们正与这系列的配音员和制作者进行合作,并且很快就会发起一个全球性的GuP活动 - Wargaming is also cooperating with SteelSeries, a themed keyboard and headphones will come out soon WG还和SteelSeries(游戏外设公司的一个品牌)合作,很快推出以WG旗下游戏为主题的键盘和耳机 - 2014 will be mostly about graphic development, WG is working on that: first will come the HD tank models (the amount of polygons will increase 3-4 times), everything will be re-textured, WoT will most likely completely adopt the WoWp engine 2014年主要进行图像画质方面的研发工作,WG正在致力于:首先将是车辆的高清模型,多边形数量增加3-4倍,所有的都会返工重做,WOT很大可能完全采用战机引擎 - in 2014 there will also be historical battles (also for Japanese tanks) and garage battles (that might come at the same time as the historical battles), info on that will come soon 2014,也会有历史战,包括R系车的,和车库战-或许会和历史战同时来到,有关信息将会很快与大家见面。 - in Japan, World of Tanks is not as popular as in Russia, but WG is advertising it there heavily and hopes for the best 在岛国,WoT并不像在俄罗斯那样受欢迎,不过WG进行了大量的广告宣传,希望有好的效果