坦克GIF动画演示 9.0补丁中坦克模型变动
2014-03-24 12:55来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
Hello everyone, 大家好! what follows is the account of model changes I’ve been able to discover in patch 9.0. Unusually, we’ll start with the Americans. You see, American vehicles recieved somethig graphic overhaul. This was not supposed to happen until later actually, as it is generally connected with the coming of the US light tank tier 8. Let’s have a look at it. Oh yea, and nevermind the different color, that’s due to the new shader system being used – just ignore that and focus on the shapes. 以下就是我在9.0补丁中能够发现的模型改动了。不同于以往的是,我们先从美国开始。你看,美国车的外观彻底被重制了一下。这事应该晚些时候再发生的,因为这和新的美国8级轻坦有关系。我们先来看看吧。哦对了,还有别去在意颜色上的问题,这只不过是用了新的拾色器以后的结果—总之把精力放在外型上就行了。 Also note that unlike usually, in order to save traffic, the images are hosted at imgur and in order to make one larger, you have to rightclick it and select “view image”. 点击看大图哦。 Chaffee – stock turret visual model change (the lighter one is the new one obviously) 霞飞—白板炮塔的视觉模型改动了(颜色淡一点的是新的) Chaffee elite turret change is much more visible. As you can see, the old “ugly” turret got removed. This is because the old turret did not belong to the Chaffee and was not really an “M24″ turret, it was the T37 turret, belonging to the T37 light tank, which was a successor to Chaffee. When the US light line comes, T37 will most likely be a tier 6 tank, so they are “saving” the turret for it this way. 霞飞的顶级炮塔可能会更明显一些。正如你所看到的,那**的“很丑的”炮塔没了。因为这**的炮塔并不属于霞飞,而它也不是什么“M24”炮塔,那个其实是T37炮塔,是从T37轻坦上弄下来的,也就是霞飞的后继者。当美国轻坦线出现的时候,T37应该会是六级车,所以他们现在把炮塔先弄下来给以后“留着”。 And here the armor setup. Notice that the new M24 elite turret in 9.0 is bugged, the mantlet is not where it’s supposed to be. 还有一张装甲分布。请注意新的M24(顶级)炮塔在9.0中有Bug ,炮盾的位置是错的。