0321你问我答 9.0测试服开启HD模型亮相
2014-03-21 14:03来源:网络发布者:网络新手卡|游戏下载
According to Storm, 9.0 test will come tomorrow. The first round will consist of only 3 HD models (Tiger, Sherman, T-54), there will also be historical battles. Storm君说,9.0的测试服明天开。第一轮测试将只有3个HD模型(虎式,谢尔曼,T-54),还会测试历史战 - regarding WoT Blitz, “developers are more familiar with iOS than with Android”, that’s why iOS version comes earlier (there however will be android version as well) - 关于坦克世界:闪电战:“相比于安卓,开发者们更熟悉iOS的开发环境”,所以iOS版会先出(当然还是会有安卓版的) - regarding the T-54, Tiger and Sherman models, released today: each of them is a bit graphically different. This is intentional: there are several ways that the developers (graphic designers) can follow and the goal (of test 9.0) is to find out, which one do the players prefer and then to follow it - 关于今天放出的T-54,虎式,谢尔曼的模型,每一个模型都有一些图形上的不同。开发者们是故意这么做的,他们(图形设计师)有多种方案,最终目的是看看玩家更喜欢哪一种,然后就按那个来 - in first round of 9.0 test, only 3 HD models will appear (T-54, Tiger, Sherman), the remaining 7 will come in 2nd round - 9.0第一轮测试只有虎式,谢尔曼,T-54,剩下的7辆车将会在第二轮测试亮相 - the rest of the models will apparently be reworked to follow one of these three variants in style - 剩下的模型也将会重做,并且会和以上三种HD版坦克的风格保持一致 - the HD color of Tiger is historical Panzergrau - 虎式HD版的颜色是“Panzergrau”(直译坦克灰,一种黑灰色) - the HD T-54 hull is the “new” one (with log in the back), it will get the older hull once alternative hulls are implemented as well - T-54 HD版的车体将会是“新版”的(自救木在背后),一旦可选车体的卫星落地,就会有旧版车体可选 - the HD T-54 turret shape is correct, there were several types of shapes and mantlets - T-54 HD版的炮塔形状没问题,(历史上)有好几种形状的炮塔和炮盾 - the fact T-54 HD model doesn’t have holes in tracks (and the other two HD models do) is a bug, it will be fixed - T-54 HD版在履带上没有孔(另外两个模型有)?这是个bug,将会修复的 - currently, the best modelled (material-wise, eg. metal and such) HD tank is the Sherman, the fact it looks a bit like a plastic toy is actually historical, it looks much like the real vehicle (where Tiger has it a bit worse) - 目前,建模最成功的是谢尔曼HD版,它看起来像个塑料玩具是因为历史上它就是这样的,游戏里的模型做的跟真实的非常非常像(虎式稍微差一点) - 9.0 test will come out “within days” (Evilly states that if all goes well – this week even, but it won’t be a regular 9.0 test of a complete patch, rather than a partial test of the components, that are already finished) - 9.0测试服”几天内到来“(Evilly说,如果一切顺利,这星期就能出,但这次测试不是常规的9.0测试(一个”完整“的补丁),而是测试一些已经做好的”分项“(HD模型,历史战模式)) - Storm stated that the fact that the Tiger I in game looks very smooth (as in, the paint is glossy and smooth) is historical, that’s how the vehicles looked (unless they were repainted 50 times) - Storm君说,游戏里的虎式看起来非常水嫩(咳,涂装非常有光泽,非常顺滑),这是符合历史的,就是这样(除非被反复刷了50遍漆) - all German models will become darker, they will be repainted the way the HD Tiger is - 所有的德国车都会变得更黑,都会像虎式HD版那样的颜色 - Q: “Want rust and dirty look? Go play the other game” (SS: War Thunder) - 问:毛子,我想要看到坦克生锈和变脏 答:玩其他游戏去(SS:战争雷霆) - War Thunder Tiger model looks really good, because according to Storm, it was a showcase model where many polygons were used, while later models have significantly fewer polygons - 战争雷霆的虎式模型看起来非常好,Storm解释道,过去曾经有一套模型库,建模的时候使用了非常多的多边形,但新模型里多边形的数量减少了很多 - Maus HD model is being worked on - 鼠爷的HD模型?正在做 - the main goal of test 9.0 will be the testing of historical battles - 9.0测试服的主要目的是测试历史战 - HD IS-3 will come either in 9.1 or 9.2 - IS-3的HD模型?9.1或者9.2 - apparently, the IS-3 model is, angle-wise, correct as it is now - 现在-3的箭型装甲模型是对的 - this year, improved graphics will transfer to DirectX 11 - 今年将支持DX11 - Dx11 support will come after multi core support - 上一条将会在支持多核之后到来 - according to BigAngryCat, there was a small issue with the Sherman texture. Apparently, the first idea was that under the scratches in paint, there should be primer color visible. It turned out that Americans actually didn’t need to use primer, because they actually treated the armor so that its surface was sort of “rough” and the color “soaked” into it, creating a very persistent layer of paint - 大怒猫(BigAngryCat)说,关于谢尔曼的涂装有个小故事。在涂装被划伤之后,按理说应该露出底色,但没有,这是因为事实上美军不需要使用底色,他们的做法是:让装甲外表变得非常”粗糙“,然后让颜料”渗进去“。结果就是涂装层非常的结实。 - alternative hulls will come in 9.4 or later - 可选车体的卫星将会在9.4落地,或者更晚 - HD models (updated ones) will have the independent suspension - HD模型将会有独立悬挂