0320你问我答 闪电战的事情及IOS安卓测试
2014-03-20 13:43来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
The only news today seem to be the fact that the limit of those small gold codes got increased by a lot, so more people get to it (before, the code was barely active for two – three hours, today, it was active ever since morning till the afternoon). 今天唯一的消息看起来就是那些金币代码的有效期延长了很多,所以现在有很多人都拿到那些钱了(以前那个代码的有效期基本就两三小时的样子,今天它在下午的时候依然还能被兑换) From Overlord about WoT Blitz: 以及从Overlord那里传来的关于WOT:闪电战的事情: - WoTB closed beta won’t start for a few days more: WoTB的封测在接下来几天里是不会开始的 We won’t start until next week – that’s for sure. So don’t expect news in the next few days. 下个礼拜之前是不会开始的—这点是肯定的。所以在接下来几天之内不要指望会有什么资讯 - delay between iOS and Android tests: 关于在IOS和安卓的测试之间的延迟 Not sure about the gap between the two, a lot will depend on how closed beta on ios goes. If it’s short, then Android release is rather close. 暂时还不确定两个平台之间的延迟有多少,延迟会很大程度上基于IOS平台的测试情况。如果测试时间很短,那安卓平台的发布也就不远了。 - apparently, Ipod Touch “5 gen” should work as well (A5 chip) Itouch“5代”也能跑这个游戏(用A5芯片的那款)