0319你问我答 坦克世界的比特币不会有
2014-03-19 13:31来源:网络发布者:113322qwe1新手卡|游戏下载
World of Tanks Cryptocurrency Launched Soon 坦克世界的数字货币马上到来 Hello everyone, 嗨,各位炮友 this is not something I understand to be honest, so I will be brief. There is a “World of Tanks” cryptocurrency going “live” in a few days, called Wotcoin. It is using World of Tanks logo and the person producing it is stating that it is “by gamers for gamers”, but… Wargaming has nothing to do with that. From what I gathered, the plan is basically for this person to act as a conversion house and buy gold from Wargaming for real money using gifts. How the hell would that work without them bleeding money I have no idea, but I am pretty sure it’s not solid business. 说实话我不太明白这个内容,所以我简要的扯两句。有一种“坦克世界”数字货币马上就要面世了,叫做“坦克币”( Wotcoin)。上面有坦克世界的LOGO,发行者说坦克币是“源自玩家,服务玩家”。但是呢,WG好像没有表态。目前据我所知,这个做这个项目的人类似于一个中介,从WG买金币,然后想办法变成现实中的钞票。我TMD也不明白这是怎么运行并赚钱的,但我确定这一定不是实体经济 Furthermore, the cryptocurrency is using World of Tanks logo and I am pretty sure this is illegal, there will be probably some lawsuits and all that. 此外,这种数字货币用了坦克世界的LOGO,毫无疑问,这是非法行为,一堆诉讼正等着呢 Generally speaking, I don’t understand cryptocurrencies and when I don’t understand something, I don’t trust it. Same goes for Bitcoin really. If you do know how it works and make money off it, good for you, guys. But I certainly won’t even try. 我不懂什么数字货币,并且遇到这些内容,我都会选择不相信。所以说比特币在我眼里也一样。如果机制的你知道这一套是怎么运行并赚钱的,那么祝福你。但是我绝对不会掺和一下的。 相关阅读结束,下面Q&A正文 - the “Wotcoin” cryptocurrency has nothing to do with Wargaming - 上文提到的坦克币这种数字货币跟WG毫无关系 Q&A正文完 Again, very little info today. Truth to be told, I don’t expect anything groundbreaking until patch 9.0 hits the test server. Apparently, developers are very busy. 今天实在没东西。说实话,我也没指望能有大卫星什么的,除非等到9.0进入测试服阶段了。显然,开发者们现在非常非常忙碌。