Hello everyone, 大家好 the Insider returns to tell us what the developers are thinking and talking about. And I think it’s very interesting. 一位不愿透露姓名的内部人士告诉了我们程序猿现在都在讨论和思考什么,我觉得这是比较有意思的。 The developer topic of the month… you guessed it: skill MM. 本月程序猿话题想必你已经猜到了:技术分房 Lots of developers don’t want skill MM, because they are afraid it would break the game for a lot of people. Here’s one example of such a post to illustrate: 大部分程序猿并不想要技术分房,因为他们害怕这会使很家失去对游戏的兴趣。这里有这样一个帖子说明了一个例子: “This will make players with high battle count but not so great stats the boot on many ways, because theres a point when they realize they get thrown with the “special kids” class and he cant climb the ladder to be with his friends on the next class, whose clan only recruits on certain ladder class, this will also deprive the game of the ability of players improving, and would end up profiling most of players, not to mention, what would happen if an unicorn found himself not in the same “unicorn” league as his friends? this ought to create something bad, we’ll be excluding a large amount of players like this, and some might call our numbers biased, are numbers really biased? what happens when players that only want skill ladder matchmaking find themselves out of it supposed skill level because they happened to platoon to inflate their own stats and turns out his achievements are but a “fleeting dream?” “技术分房会让那些高场次但是数据坑的玩家以各种方式稳固自己的数据,因为到了某一个阶段他们就像那些留级生一样,和他相同场次的同学们都升到下一年级了,而他不得不一直留在这里,军团们也只会招收特定级别的玩家,肯定也不会垂青于他们,这样一来游戏将使玩家失去提升自己的能力,最终将大部分玩家定型。更不用去说如果一个大神级人物发现他并不像他的那些大神级朋友一样有一样的大神级分房,他会怎么想?这么做绝对会让游戏产生不好的东西,我们这么做将会赶走大量喜欢这游戏的玩家,还有些玩家肯定会投诉我们说他的数据统计有失偏颇,这是真的吗?想想看,当那些玩家要求使用技术分房之后发现自己的真实水平其实并没有自己数据上显示的那么好,这不是黄粱一梦吗?” The list of such posts goes on, some developers are truly dug in against it. It’s not just anti-skill-MM rage, they are also brainstorming the ideas of how some of the disadvantages of skill MMM could be fixed. It is confirmed that the developers are actually really experimenting with skill MM on internal server. This is however NOT something that is sure to come and even if it does come, it will not be anytime soon, definitely after Havok. Nowhere near the foreseeable future anyway. Developers will wait for the poll results (the poll I posted yesterday) and they will run many closed tests to. 像这样的帖子不胜枚举,有些程序猿已经开始认真的反对此事了。这不仅仅是反对技术分房到来的愤怒,他们也在集思广益来解决技术分房带来的不良影响。程序猿证实了他们真的在内部服务器上使用过技术分房。但是这也不代表技术分房一定会来,即便是它来了,也不会很快来,它肯定是会比Havok到来要晚的,至少我们无法预见它什么时候会来。程序猿将等待调查结果(我昨天po上去的那贴-详见前情提要),然后他们会在内部服务器上进行很多封闭测试。 Here, the insider emphasizes: it is just an experiment, the chance of this being implemented is very low. Here are a few points from the testing phase of skill MM: 在这里不愿意透露姓名的内部人士强调:它仅仅是一个实验,技术分房实装的可能性非常的低。下面是技术分房测试阶段的几个特点: - skill MM won’t work in platoons (for obvious reasons) 技术分房不会在组队时启动(因为很明显的原因) - performance will be based on the personal score of your account (no XVM predictions and such) 技术分房参考的数据是你帐号上的个人评分(不会有XVM预测胜率一类的东西。) - however it may also count the number of times you have platooned 但是技术分房也可能会计算你的组队次数 - hard to balance players who are superb at one tank (“light tank god”), but mediocre at others (“heavy tank piston-burner”): 技术分房很难为某些坦克的(比如轻坦之神)找到平衡分房,但是给普通人平衡分房还是比较容易的(重型坦克焚烧者)。 this would mean they have to create a dynamic or at least a flexible match maker for these situations, which very common actually, and could open an exploit, so they will make the requirements stricter 这意味着他们需要创造一个动态或者至少是一个灵活的分房系统来针对这些看起来很常见的fan情况,而且这极有可能产生新漏洞,所以程序猿会有更严格的要求。 - artillery will suffer again, because they have a lot of RNG in matches, and likewise, TD players may get unexpectedly harsh battles 火炮会被分房系统再次影响到,因为他们需要更多的信仰,同样,TD玩家们会感受到冬天里的严寒,因为战斗会格外冷酷。 - if there’s not enough skill players for certain skill ladders, they would be added from the next ladder in line and so on 如果当前等级没有足够的玩家来开一场游戏,他们可能会被加入进更高级的排队序列。 - skill MM could be actually used as an activate option, but it won’t be very popular after a few weeks, or so they think 技能分房可能作为一个可开启选项被加入游戏,但是程序猿认为在几周后它们会像历史战一样被人遗忘。 - this may create a rift in clans, if a player intents to recruit players based on personal score, it may not turn for the best, so they will rework the player rating formulas (if it’s given a good to go) 这可能会导致军团产生裂痕,如果军团招人开始考察个人等级的时候,但是个人等级并不能更好的表现玩家的真实水平,所以程序猿还得重制玩家分级公式。 - balancing skill MM means also balancing tanks to a degree (49%-50.1% global is mentioned), however its not currently viable for certain tanks, not without causing a whinestorm 平衡技术分房意味着将会把坦克都平衡到一个点上(提到了49%-50.1%胜率),虽然它目前并没有开始对某些坦克进行平衡工作,想必日后会被玩家们喷死。 (that point was mentioned by a developer with a quote, that apparently is very significant) (下面的引用引述自一个程序猿的话,显然是非常有意义的。) “One part of the game is RNG itself, whoever thinks that can win based only on skill will not triumph nt the game, RNG is what gives the ability to a regular player to outscore a rampaging player, likewise, it’s the same RNG that allows a player to become a Monster itself, but they don’t realize it until it’s taken from them” “RNG它自己就是游戏的一部分,所以那些认为输赢是建立在技术基础上的人是不会凯旋的,RNG使普通玩家拥有了的能力,同样的,RNG也让这些玩家成为了怪物本身,但是那些玩家并没有意识到这些直到RNG抛弃了他们。” - bad players are part of RNG and so it’s part of a match variable, take that out and the match may become dull, likewise, fill a match with underperforming players and it’s gonna be very hard for a player to get out of the hole, or someone may actually exploit it 低效率玩家也是RNG的一部分,所以他们也是游戏变量的一部分(即“中流砥柱,靠你充数,谁多谁输。”),让低效率玩家滚蛋可能会让游戏变的索然无味,同样的,如果一个房间里面充满了低能玩家,这会让那些试图出坑的玩家感到非常困难,或者有的人会利用这个特点。 - even if it’s implemented, some players will call “conspiracy”, because whether they like it or not, there’s ALWAYS gonna be bad matches where someone is steamrolled, or some good matches where they will steamroll, thus giving the apparent impression that it was never “implemented” to begin with 即使技术分房被实装了,有的玩家也会产生“阴谋论”(WG/服务器/空中网/王二雷/Serb/Storm你特么就是不想让我赢。),因为无论他们喜欢与否,他们总是会在几场游戏里被对面碾压,或者他们去碾压别人。这些碾压与被碾压的游戏将会让他们产生WG是不是没有实装技术分房的阴谋论。 - it might encourage players with regular skills to leave the game because they can’t “get better” 这可能会使普通玩家选择AFK,因为他们并不能变得更好。 - the game was designed for a regular family member, not hardcore players, who can only think of min/max, having skill MM goes against the principle of what the game was designed for, however it could be used in league games effectively WOT是为普通玩家设计的,而不是那些只想着当最高和最低的硬核玩家,技术分房违背了这个游戏的设计初衷,但是它可以在联赛中有效的被使用。 - currently, there’s an active ingame “limited MM”, but only for new players and players who bought new tanks: for the first 3-10 matches upon purchasing said tank and playing said tank, they will get preferential MM to “learn the newly acquired tank mechanics” and to make stock grinds easier. However, this special rule is negated if the player platoons or if there’s not enough players to fill the MM criteria during said matches, afterwards it’s a regular matchmaker and this rule only applies to the purchased tank to prevent exploits, “so someone cant purchase a Luchs and get special MM on its tier 8 tank” – devs dont see any problem with that current rule. 现在倒是有一个正在运行的“限制分房”,但只针对新玩家和那些刚卖了新坦克的人:在第3-10场时他们的分房会有特别优惠使他们能更快学习到新坦克的特点,或者更快的度过白板期。当然如果你组队或者当前排队人数不足以创建优惠分房的话,这个“限制分房”是不会被激活的,优惠期之后那些人的分房就转为普通随机分房了。这个“限制分房”只适合刚购买过的坦克,是为了防止有人利用这方面的漏洞,比如“有人买了个山猫,然后他的8级车获得了新车福利分房”-就目前来看程序猿没有发现有人在当前规则下利用漏洞。 The discussion goes on, it’s beeing going for past two weeks. 这场持续了半个月的讨论仍将继续。 As a last point, remember how it was written that the developers are looking for good players? They found a candidate on US forums: flakker2. 最后提一点,还记得之前谁写的程序猿是怎么找好玩家的吗?他们在美服论坛上找到了一个新的候选人:flakker2. [编辑:不详]