2014-09-28 23:32来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
今天我要告诉你们一个《坦克世界》中的新模式,请告诉我们更多的新信息,(本来提问的那个哪去了?)他的名字是坦克竞速赛。 - the goal is to destroy all enemy tanks or to capture the base within 7 minutes 摧毁所有敌人坦克或者在7分钟内占领基地。 - M24 Chaffee (apart from being fast) fires shots, that do 50 damage (on average). It has 1000 hitpoints. 霞飞(除了快)每发平均伤害在50左右。有1000发载弹量。 - the engine of the vehicle cannot be damaged during the race (all other modules can) 比赛中无法击毁引擎(其他的模块都可以击毁) - driver and gunner of the crew cannot be killed, all other crew members can 驾驶员和炮手无法打死,其他的成员可以。 - platoons will be matched only against other platoons 3黑只能碰到3黑。 - M24 SPORT will be given to the players for free on 29.9.2014 玩家会在2014年9月29号获得霞飞运动型(国服根据其新版本具体上线时间另算) - M24 SPORT cannot be sold, it will be removed from the hangar automatically when the event is over 霞飞运动型无法被卖掉,在活动结束后会从车库中移除。 - all the XP acquired on M24 SPORT will be transferred to T1 Cunningham after the battle is over (regardless whether you have it in garage or not) 活动结束后,霞飞运动型的经验会放到T1克宁汉姆上。 - the entire crew will be (after the event is over) transferred to barracks and automatically retrained to standard M24 Chaffee 所有车组成员在活动后会被放回兵营,并被自动重新训练位普通霞飞的成员(可以练一组美系LT成员) - the event (according to the missions on RU server) will last until 13.10.2014 活动会持续到2014年10月13号。 - the missions for the battle will be as such: (win and survive, get 5000 creds, 1000 XP and 1000 crew XP), (win while playing in a platoon and while dealing 750 damage to the enemy, get 10000 creds, 2000 XP and 2000 crew XP), (win 50 times while getting 1000 base capture points, get 500k creds, 50k XP, 25k crew XP, 1 day of premium and 1 hangar slot) 战斗任务:(赢得或者幸存会获得5000银币,1000经验和1000成员经验),(开黑赢得比赛,同时输出750伤害,会获得10000银币,2000经验和2000成员经验),(赢得50场比赛并且占领基地点数达到1000,会获得500000银币,50000经验和25000成员经验,一天V和1个车位).