坦克世界8级金币车FV4202数据前瞻 或为任务奖励
currently, supertesters aregetting their hands on the tier 8 FV4202, the new premium one. Furthermore,there are rumors that around the end of the year, some “really cool” missionwill take place on RU server and that the mission might be related to theFV4202 switch, so maybe it would pay off to buy it as soon as possible. As faras I can tell, the supertesters are using the SD model as a placeholder fortier 8 for now. 目前开发者们在弄8级的金币FV4202。此外,还有一些传言说在今年末在俄服上会有一些非常炫酷的任务,可能与FV4202相关,也许完成这些任务就可以拿到8级的金币4202了。我还能告诉你们的就是开发者们现在使用一个标清的4202来顶替高清版的位置。 The tier 8 FV4202 has followingcharacteristics (these are VERY preliminary and might change): 下面的8级FV4202的数据是非常初步的,很有可能会变。 8级金币MT 价格: 11750G (随便定的) 血量: 1400 重量: 41,594 tons 最大速度(前进/后退): 35/20 车体装甲: 51/51/32 炮塔装甲: 170/90/90 车体转速: 42 deg/s 炮塔转速: 32 deg/s 视野: 390 m 通讯距离: 750 m 引擎: RR Meteorite202B 马力: 510 hp 推重比: 12,26 hp/t 地面阻力(硬/中/软): 0.6/0.7/1.2 起火概率: 20% 主炮: OQF 20-pdrGun Type B Barrel 伤害: 230/230/280 穿深: 226/258/42 模组伤害: 118 装填时间: 7.6 精度: 0.33 瞄准时间: 2.4 载弹量: 50 俯仰角: -10/+20 (朝后俯角: -2) [编辑:不详]