坦克世界11月1日你问我答 9.4版新撞击机制解读
On Russian server, for October, 18101 players were allegedly punished based on the report system, 3748 participants in rigged battles were punished as well and 2882 botters were banned. That’s a nice “harvest” for October. 10月,在俄服,18101个玩家被通过举报系统惩罚,3748个作弊者被惩罚,同时2882条挂机狗被永久封号.这真是10月的一个大丰收啊! - apparently, Lowe armor is fine (won’t be buffed 显然,狮子的装甲没问题(不会buff)。 - the HD model for IS-3 will be IS-3 Model 1945, not the modernized version (IS-3M) IS-3的HD模型会是IS-3的1945年型号,不是IS—3的现代化改进版(IS-3M)。 - developers are working on new engine sounds 开发者们在做新的声音引擎。 - after the ramming changes of 9.4, the cases where tanks just bump to one another and one of them rapidly loses 1 hitpoint should be considerably less common - the exact ramming damage mechanism will not be disclosed 在9.4的撞击系统改变后,1辆坦克撞到另一辆坦克然后其中一辆瞬间掉1滴血的情况会很明显的减少。 准确的撞击机制不会被公布。 - armor deformation (holes from ramming) will not come anytime soon 装甲变形(撞出来的洞)效果在任何时候都不会做出来。 - the option to pick your setup for team battle based on the map you get is planned, no ETA currently 在团队战中根据地图配置车型在计划中,但是现在还不知道完成的准确时间。 - it cannot be generally said that in the new 9.4 ramming system ramming damage will increase – what will increase is the difference between damage done by ramming heavily armored and lightly armored spots 现在不能笼统的说在新的9.4撞击系统中撞击伤害会提升,但是撞重装甲的部位和撞轻装甲的部位的伤害差距确实会提升。 - the influence of tank weight on ramming in 9.4 will not change, the same goes for spaced armor 9.4中坦克重量对撞击的影响不会改变,间隙装甲同样。 - when it comes to team damage punishment in collisions, the tank that goes faster is guilty 当队友之间撞击出伤害, 速度快的受惩罚。 [编辑:不详]