fivepeople have already sent me pictures of what seems to be a really nasty bug in9.5. It does NOT seem to be connected with mods at all, as two of those peopledo not use any mods or remodels. 已经有5个人跟我发了同一个状况的图,貌似都和一个很恶心的bug有关系。这个bug似乎和MOD没关系,因为有两位的客户端是完全干净的。 Something’smissing here… oh, that’s right, the entire hull. It does seem to be connectedto LOD though, or at least detail settings, as all the other pictures come withlower settings than maximum, but that’s just pure guessing. Do you experiencethe same issue? Let me know, link screenshots in comments! 看看我们这又少了什么……啊对了,整个车体tm又没了。咱无责任猜测下,貌似跟画面细节层次度有点关系,或者至少在细节度上有,因为所有的图片都是较低画质,而全高则没有出这个状况。你有没有这个bug?把截图的链接发给我(SS)吧。 [编辑:不详]