坦克世界超测服 苏系8级金币中坦T-54“初号机”曝光
2015-01-06 23:43来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Hello everyone, 大家好啊, this is the upcoming tier 8 Soviet premium medium tank – intended for normal purchase, not an event tank or anything. 这辆是马上要出的8级苏联金币中坦——就是拿出来卖的,不是活动奖励坦克啥的。 Description: 描述: Developed in 1944 by Plant No.183. During its developments, many mechanisms and components of the T-44 tank were used. They were modified and fixed in order for the new vehicle to carry more armor and a better gun. According to one of the sources, first prototype was ready by the end of 1944, other sources however state another date – January 1945. The vehicle was trialed in March-April 1945. It was not mass produced. 在1944年由183号工厂进行开发。在开发过程中使用了许多T-44坦克的机构和零件。这些机构和零件都有被改造过,以便让这辆新车的装甲增厚,主炮增强。根据消息来源之一的说法,初号机在1944年末就已经搞定了,然而其他的消息来源的说法却截然不同—1945年一月。这辆车在1945年的三月~四月进行了测试。然而它没有能够进行量产。 Characteristics (for 100 percent crew): 属性(包含了100%乘员加成): 8级苏联中坦 血量: 1400 发动机: 520马力 重量: 35,5吨 推重比: 14,65马力/吨 极速: 44/18 km/h 车身转速: 44°/秒 地形阻力: 1,055/1,151/1,822 炮塔转速: 45,9°/秒 视野: 380 电台范围: 700 车身装甲: 120/90/? 炮塔装甲: 180/120/? 主炮: 100mm D-10T 均伤: 250 均穿: 175 射速: 8,022 DPM: 2005,5 装填: 7,479 百米散布: 0,345 瞄准时间: 2,4s 俯角: -6 Armor: 装甲: [编辑:不详]