
重制Lem坦克 著名波兰科幻作家再现经典

2015-01-06 23:43来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载

  this is how Yuri Pasholok and his colleagues (I assume he wasn’tthe one rendering it) reconstructed the Polish “Lem” tank, also known as CzolgP, or Czolg Pancernik. For those who do not know – it’s basically a design,submitted by famous Polish scifi author Stanislaw Lem to Soviet armed forcesduring the war.

  这个就是Yuri Pasholok和他的同事重制的波兰“Lem”坦克,也被称为Czolg P或者Czolg Pancernik。以下是对不清楚这是个什么鬼的小科普:这个是著名的波兰科幻作家Stanislaw Lem在战时为苏联设计的的坦克。

  The vehiclepicture was reconstructed was made using elements of Soviet technology from1944-1947. Actually, it’s a nice tank, isn’t it :) Save for the AA “tumorturret” on the back anyway.


  Too bad a Polishbranch is practically impossible to build, it would be a nice tier 10 – but whoknows, maybe it will appear in the game one day too (knowing Wargaming, as aSoviet tier 10 reward tank, which would be the ultimate trolling).

  可惜,波兰线基本上不可能拼凑出来,不然这车绝对是一个很不错的10级坦克 – 不过谁知道呢,也许某年某天这车就在游戏里出现了(WG也许会把这个当做什么奖励坦克之类的,肯定会挺搞笑的)。

上一篇:坦克世界超测服:8级苏联重坦IS-5数据 下一篇:被搁置的卫星:T54原型的无纹理版模型


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

