2月1日你问我答 可选车身在高清化后推出
Regarding the IM “rigging”, that took place (the rigging post from earlier), I recieved a letter from that clan’s diplomat M4Karabine, who apologized for the incident. The players who participated were punished for their rigging attempts by their clan. Now that is something I can respect. 关于个人任务有“刷任务”的情况(之前有提到过),之后我从他们军团老大那边收到了一封邮件表示对此行为表示抱歉,参与刷任务的玩家已经被军团惩罚了。这还是挺令人尊敬的。 - “more than 20″ tanks in HD will come in 9.7 9.7会带来“超过20辆”高清车 - Q: “War Thunder has different gun elevations on tanks than WoT!” A: “I really don’t care what gun elevation WT has.” 问:“WT的坦克俯角和WOT的不一样!”答:“WT的俯角和我们有啥关系” - T28 TD will be replaced by an “early” T95 prototype, which will visually be quite similiar to the current T28 T28 TD会被一个“早期的”T95原型车替换掉,原型车和现在的T28看起来很像就是了 - alternative hulls will come after most tanks are reworked to HD 可选车身会在大部分车辆高清化之后再出 - T-34-3 buff? “We’ll have a look.” T-34-3buff下吧?“等我们看看” - top gun of the LTTB LT doesn’t have rifling inside the barrel, it’s a bug LTTB的顶级炮的炮管里面没有膛线,这是个Bug - in 9.6 test 2 there are also some mild hangar visual bugs 9.6的二测里面还有些车库的视觉方面的bug - the feature where the more battles you have on the tank, the more “worn” it would look (rusty, dirty) will not be implemented 随着你战斗数量增加,坦克会变得更加“破旧”(变脏,还有划痕)的机能是不会有的 - modern camouflages (such as the Berlin Brigade one for the British) are not planned for PC WoT PC版的WOT没计划要出现代迷彩(栗如英国人的柏林警戒团涂装) - serverside replays will in distant future (SS: IIRC, this was first announced in 2013… oh well) 服务器端的录像回放被推到了遥远的未来(SS:我没记错这事2013年就有说了……算了) - it’s possible that Havok will initially be implemented to affect only tanks (SS: as in, various junk falling off the tank when hit, without the realistic destruction part) Havok有可能在实装初期只影响到坦克(SS:就是坦克在被击中的时候身上的破烂玩意会到处飞,而先不做建筑的真实损坏这部分) - on Russian server, the names of players participating in rigged IM battles will be published, but replays of the battles will not be made public in order “not to teach the audience how to misbehave” 毛服那边参与了刷个人任务的玩家的名字会被公布,但是相关的录像文件则不会向公众开放以免“教坏群众” [编辑:不详]