坦克世界1月31日你问我答 西德涂装将加入XBOX版
- Berlin Brigade camo for Xbox WoT version will be implemented according to The_Chieftain 根据The-Chieftain(某知情人士),战后西德涂装将被加入WOTXBOX版。 - Q: “Why is there no exception for arty in the global accuracy nerf?” A: “Because it is global.” 为什么在总体精度削弱中还要砍火炮精度? 因为这是总体的 - more info about the new shell distribution within aim circle will come “when it appears in the game” 更多关于在瞄准圈中炮弹新的散步的信息将会在其实装时发出 - Storm states that limited MM for premium tanks was never one of the basic premium tank principles (requirements) – the fact that future premium tanks will not have limited MM does not mean that other “basic principles” (such as premium tanks being weaker than regular ones) will be broken, Storm emphasizes that this change is made with long-term perspective in mind storm说金币车的分房保护从来都不是一个根本的有关金币车的原则-未来的金币车没有分房保护不意味着其他基础原则(比如金币车弱于同级车)会被打破,storm强调这个改变基于WG的长期考量 - IS-3 HD model surface (irregularities) was made both using polygons and normal mapping IS-3的高清模型表面(不规则的)使用了多边形以及法线贴图 - AMX ELC in HD? “When it’s done it’s done” 高清ELC? 做好了就告诉你 WG does have enough materials for IS-3 HD modelling WG确实有足够的素材来做-3的高清模型 - HD model of T95 will be changed still (the hatches will be made the way it was in 9.5) T95的高清模型还会改(头上的包会和9.5中的一样) - T29 in HD will come in “medium future” (SS: forgot the term I used for this, basically 3-6 months) T29的高清模型会在“不远的将来”出现(SS:不要在意我的用词,基本上要3-6个月) - it’s possible that Schmalturm Panzer IV in HD will get its side screens as collision model, it will also come in “medium future” 豹子头四号的高清模型也许会在不久的将来得到真正的裙甲(注:现在那个是假的贴图) Jagdpanzer E-100 in HD will come soon 高清大白兔很快就来了 - Luchs and Leopard to get buffed? “We have to watch the statistics” 山猫和萝莉豹加强? 我们必须先看看统计数据 - the fact you can disable the UI (by pressing V) does not mean Hardcore Mode (without UI) will be introduced, it’s for making videos (SS: yes, people actually ask this stuff) 你可以关掉UI不意味着硬汉模式(没有UI)会被加入,隐藏UI是为了拍视频(SS:对,人们在问这种问题) - Storm does not know how WoT will react to Windows 10 Srorm不知道WOT在Windows10上会表现如何 - Storm considers the variant where the tanks are scratched and look “used” more correct than if the tanks looked like brand new from the factory Storm觉得各种各样的用过的撞过的有沧桑感的坦克比那些看起来刚从工厂里拉出来的坦克要好点 - for now, WG is not considering removing platoons from individual missions (not in 9.7 anyway) 现在WG暂时不考虑把组队要求从个人任务中移除(至少在9.7不会) - Evilly in informs that WG is aware that amongst the people, who already have the IM tanks on RU server are people, who got them through rigging their battles, specifically by forming platoons and then getting to the same battles on the same server in the night (low peak) by counting 3, 2, 1… and pressing battle button. These players will be investigated through logs and if found guilty, they will not only lose the tanks, but will also be punished according to rules. Evilly说WG知道在毛服那些得到个人任务坦克的玩家中有人通过半夜卡房刷任务,这些人将被通过日志调查,如果发现有问题,他们不只会失去奖励坦克,还会被根据规定惩罚 And now, off to test Armored Warfare. And yes, there will be a report. 现在,关于装甲战争(某游戏)测试,嗯,将会有一个报告 [编辑:不详]