1月29日你问我答 百运难平衡不得不替换
- the HD E-100 gun is of correct thickness and length E-100高清模型的炮的粗细与长短是符合历史的。 - some details on the HD E-100 model will be reworked to higher details E-100高清模型的部分细节会返工,将会把细节做的更细致。 - the 150mm upper front plate strip of HD E-100 model will remain 150mm thick, its angle however will be fixed E-100高清模型的首上还将会是150mm,但角度将会还原(固定?)。 - Storm confirms that gradually, fake or problematic (not very historical) vehicles will be removed from the game, this includes current overbuffed FV4202, FV215b (120) and WT E-100 经Storm证实,游戏中现存不符合历史的车将会被移除,他们包括现在过强的FV4202, FV215b (120) and WT E-100。 - another reason for WT E-100 replacement is the fact that it’s really hard to balance, either it sucks or it gets overpowered 白云被替换的另一个原因是他真的很难平衡,要不然过弱,要不然过强。 - HD IS-3 collision model is not developed yet, Storm will see if there are any armor nerfs or buffs 高清-3的碰撞模型还没制作完,Storm会知道在装甲上有什么变化。 - currently, WG developers are collecting photos of Batchat 25t rusty prototype so they have more materials for its HD rework WG的开发者们正在搜集差涤纶25t的破烂原型车的照片,这样他们就会有更多资料作为参考,来制作其的高清模型。 - no ETA on IS-3 in HD “for various reasons” 由于种种原因,高清-3的具体上线时间还未确定。 - some models are created using the photogrammetry method, while others are 3D scanned. Photogrammetry is an alternative method, because the 3D scanner can’t be used everywhere (SS: the background of this question is that I asked Storm, why is WG waiting for a 3D scan of Action X turret from Bovington, when they are using a different method here). 有些模型是通过摄影测量法建模的,而有些是通过3D扫描法建的模,摄影测量是一种替代3D扫描的方法,毕竟3D扫描法不是哪里都能用的。(这个问题源于我问Storm为什么要等从Bovington传回百夫长10级炮塔的3D扫描,而没用其他方法。) 附上一张is-3高清模型 [编辑:不详]