

  The installation of the patch was – as usual, lately – uneventful and smooth, everything runs fine (there seems to be a mild FPS increase, but that will probably vary from computer to computer), so let’s skip right to the thing most people will be interested in. Accuracy nerf.


  I won’t lie to you. It’s noticeable. Well, at least I noticed, it’s hard to say. At this moment, we have no definitive numbers and formulas, so we can only estimate. For initiatesting, I took two vehicles – one I know well, Jagdtiger 88, the other is the IS-3 tier 8 tank with BL-9. I played a few battles as well and it’s noticeable. It’s practically impossible to say however, what effect will that really have on armor, as it’s test server and everyone’s firing gold.


  Subjectively speaking, the Jagtiger 88 feels MUCH less accurate, the shells seem to be flying all over the place compared to the live server. The IS-3 I cannot judge, so I just made a short footage. But one thing is clear: instead of the alleged increase of the role of armor in the game, it will only lead to two things:


  - more gold spam (as a result of people being unable to hit weakspots properly)

  - 金币弹泛滥(因为银币弹已经不能准确打击弱点了)

  - more frustration of players, nothing like you spending a minute for that perfect aim only to have the shell fly wide

  - 让玩家更失落,花了1分钟去瞄准,结果依然一发打飞

  I do agree that armor could use an improvement in the game, but I have to wonder whether this is the proper way to do it. Also, nerf of premium vehicles… meh. Which brings me to another topic, the viewrange nerf. Again, I cannot judge how much exactly the gameplay will be changed – the hit on some vehicles was pretty brutal:



  We’ll just have to see. Interesting is that in this case, the premium TD’s were not nerfed and I have the strangest feeling especially some of them (E-25, SU-122-44) will be more dominating than they were before. Again, we’ll just have to see.


  The flickering of the bushes in sniper mode was fixed, at least on my PC. Without knowing what causes it, it’s hard to predict how it will be for other players, but let’s hope it’s like that for everybody, as it was really annoying.


  Another thing to note is the test of the stronghold consumables:


  Sadly, these are not useable in random battles (yes, first thing I did was to try to activate the artillery support at spawn point on my own team, luckily for everybody it did not work), but this is how they are going to be activated.


  Another new feature is the re-training of crews to another role. It’s done via the “Change” button in that crewman’s personal file:


  Once you press it, you get to the retrain menu, where you selected the role and tank desire. And yes. It ALWAYS costs 600 gold, no matter what options you select. Comes with a nice tooltip though.


  The contact window was completely overhauled as well. Now the chat looks really anachronistic next to it, as the new one is sleek and sexy. You can also drag and drop the names around it and create special separate groups for other people in your contact list, for example “friends”, “family”, “ponylovers”… whatever you desire. You can even select multiple contacts now and drag them around to various groups.

  联系人的窗口也完全重置了,目前的聊天窗简直是上个世纪的产物,新的这个看起来迷人多了。你可以把联系人的名字拽出来,建一个特殊的分组,比如“朋友”“家人”“ ponylovers”之类的

  Oh yes and now you can also buy the Panther 88 for gold. And yes, it still sucks. Otherwise, the changes include the LT buff, that I really cannot judge well as I haven’t mostly played these LT’s before. What else… there’s the new HD models and some changes to armor, this will be covered by separate post.


  Overall, for now, I think the patch is kinda meh, if not entirely negative. The viewrange and accuracy changes will influence the game significantly and I just have the feeling that these will bring a lot of unintended consequences that WG will spend a couple of future patches fixing. But that’s just my opinion. Enjoy the test.


上一篇:坦克世界9.6测试服开启 TD视野削弱LT加强


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

