个人任务bug漫天飞 投机取巧也能赢奖励
as you might have noticed, in last two days, a whole number of threads about errors in World of Tanks individual mission came up. Some of the “bug reports” are simply misunderstood mission parameters, but some are real bugs, the reason of which – my guess – is mistranslation. Check this out, this is a bug, reported to me by Locastan. 你们应该注意到了,最近几天,关于个人任务的bug报告层出不穷,其中一些仅仅是由于任务描述里的描述有问题,但是有些是实打实的bug了,我猜这是由于翻译的问题,我们先来看一下下面这个案例。 TD2 mission, as shown by Locastan, requires you to “damage enemy tank module”: TD第二个任务,字面上的要求是说“击伤敌方坦克模块”。 Locastan did exactly that, yet he was not awarded with the mission reward: 这位玩家的的确确做到了,但是他没有收到奖励 The reason for it is that the mission description is incorrect. You do not have to damage a module, you have to knock it out (not yellow, but red), Russian version has it correct for example. This is but one example, as far as I know there are more missions like this. There are however other really strange things, that are considered bugs, but they are probably a result of some outdated mod. 为什么呢?这是因为任务描述不对,你不是要击伤模块,而是要彻底打坏(恩,就是打红,打黄还不够)。毛子版就没有写错,但光我就知道很多类似的例子。另一些bug则是由旧版插件造成的 An example can be found here (thanks to Nekojima for pointing this out) – this is how most people see SPG10 mission. Notice the conditions. 我们来看一下接下来的案例,关于火炮任务10的,注意任务条件 And this is what another player reported as the SPG10 conditions: 这是另一个版本的火炮任务10 You can immediately see that the second player is using mods. That is probably why he is seeing the mission condition differently, because the mission on the second picture comes from 9.5 test and was changed ever since. Probably not Wargaming fault. 没错,聪明的你马上就发现了第二个人用了插件,这大概就是为啥他看到的任务要求跟我们的不一样,第二个图里的那些是来自9.5测试版,并没有修改过来。这个锅也许不应该让WG来背 One thing is for certain however: the IM’s, as they are, are pretty fucked. There is a LOT of confused feedback on Russian and European forums both, Wargaming simply released them with bugs. There are exploits too – one was published on FTR earlier today, another one is that when your mission is to end the battle without any modules damaged, there’s an easy workaround – just die. Get killed, all your modules are destroyed, so they don’t count as damaged. Retarded, right? 不过不管怎么说,这样的个人任务,就是一坨翔,毛服和欧服上都爆出一堆问题,WG不顾这么多bug就强行上线。还有个惊天bug,有些任务是要你在战斗结束时没有零件被“击伤”,怎么做到呢?很简单,直接去死就行了,死了之后,你所有的模块都被认作“击毁”,不会被判定为“击伤”,很脑残的设定吧? here’s a lovely little exploit for all of you, trying to remain unspotted for the whole battle. It works specifically for the second SPG mission, where you have to remain unspotted the entire battle and do 500 or so damage. Doing the damage is not that hard, getting unspotted throughout the battle is harder. So your team’s folding and you know that soon, enemy tanks will be chasing after you. What can you do? 来说说这个很逗的bug,如何保持全程不被亮。举例来说,火炮的第二个任务要求你全场不亮,并打出500+的伤害。打伤害不难,全场不亮倒是有点难,比如你们队被压着打,你知道敌人马上就要来抄火炮了,你怎么办 Drown yourself. 淹死自己 If you drown, you will count as not spotted for the entire battle. You can even drown yourself immediately after you complete the mission criteria just to be safe. 如果你淹死了,你会被算做没被亮,为了确保任务完成,你甚至可以在完成数据上的要求之后马上淹死 And yes, I tested it. My team folded right before: 没错,实践是检验真理的唯一标准,下面是我们队被吊打 But I got the mission reward anyway, because I drowned :) 但是我还是有奖励,因为我机智的淹死了自己2333 This is presumed to be a spotting system exploit, so if there are any other “don’t get spotted for the entire duration of mission”, you can likely use this there too. 这算是充分利用了点亮机制的bug,所以其他任务有类似的要求,你也能这么干 [编辑:不详]