From the closed supertester section of the RU forums come a couple of answers from Storm. 最近呢,毛服的论坛上对超测服的部分有些问题要问Storm - new motion physics will definitely not come in 0.9.7 (the reason is transferring to new Bugworld version) (SS: this means that it will come in summer at the earliest) 新的物理引擎当然不会在0.9.7版本中出现(原因是要转移到新的Bugworld版本中去)(SS:这意思就是最早会在夏天出现) - even experimental and paper tanks will get more “junk” (shovels and such) hanging on them, this was Storm’s personal decision 就连实验型坦克和图纸坦克也会有更多的杂物(铲子啦什么的)挂在上面,这是Storm的独裁决定 - the reason for the decision above is that without it, the tank looks “naked” and it really stands out from the vehicles that do have this sort of junk on them 上述决定的原因是如果没有这些东西,这辆坦克看上去就像是“裸奔”,而且它在那些有破烂的坦克群中会很显眼 - the exception to this rule are Maus and E-100, which are noticeable as they are 也有例外,就是鼠式和E-100,因为已经很显眼了 - a vehicle with stuff hanging on it looks more real 上面挂着破烂的车看起来会更加真实一些 [编辑:不详]