1月12日你问我答 AMX-40高清化后加强
- there are no plans to make an “ASAP 2015〃 video (SS: video that wouldshow things coming in 2015) 没有计划去做个“ASAP 2015”的视频(SS:就是做个视频告诉你2015年会出哪些个东西)。 - there will be new content in 2015 however :) 但是这并不代表2015年就没新东西了(笑) - there will not be a video about new motion physicseither. Storm said that it’s completely pointless to make one, because noonewill understand the new physics from a video – you have to play with it inorder to tell the difference. 而且也没有新的视频讲解新的移动物理引擎了。Storm表示毫无理由再去做一个,因为没人看得懂视频里到底讲的是啥,你得实践一下才能知道区别。 - AMX-40 in the future will get a second turretwith less armor, but with better gun, a new more powerful engine and will losea bit of weight. This will come with HD rework. -鸭子在以后第二个炮塔会削弱装甲,但是主炮会变得更好且有一个更加强劲的引擎而且也比原来轻一点。这个改动会在HD重制的时候实施。 [编辑:不详]