- the idea for winter mode came from one of the WG managers, who in the past created the Karl mode, races and football. He proposed to develop the Karl idea and to make something like Team Fortress with tanks 雪球模式的主意来自WG的一个经理,此人之前开发出了卡尔模式,霞飞竞速赛和足球模式。他提议进一步开发卡尔模式,并加入某种类似于“团队之盾”的坦克. - the idea of superplatoons (5 man platoons) and specialized vehicles came up very long time ago, that’s why it was tested in the fun mode 5人的“超级组队”机制及其专用坦克很早以前就出现了,这也是它在该趣味模式中进行测试的原因. - “tank healing” is a new feature for now, tested in the winter mode for the PvE mode 目前来说给坦克回血的机制是一个新特征,在雪球模式中测试,并为之后的PvE模式做准备. - at the beginning, there was a whole bunch of hidden missions in the winter mode to imitate the profitability with premium account, but it was found out based on statistics that the income of XP, crew XP and credits was too high, and so they nerfed them a bit, but the hidden missions active in platoons were not touched 一开始,在冬季模式中有一系列隐藏任务,若完成则可以享受类似高帐所带来的收益加成,但是根据统计显示经验,乘员经验和银币收益过高,所以开发者们稍微砍了一点点,但是5人组队下的隐藏任务却没动过. - the general feedback is positive, Evilly considers this mode to be the first real fullblown mode, that players play not only a bit, but constantly 该模式的总体评价是积极的,Evily认为这应该是第一个成熟的,玩家乐于长期玩的模式(而不是像之前那样兴头过了就没人玩了). - Evilly uses XVM Evily用XVM. - currently, WG is testing a random mode with respawns 目前,WG在测试带重生机制的随机模式. - initially this mode was planned with respawns, but the respawn mechanism is still in early stage and WG didnt want to take risks with this mode 一开始,雪球模式是有重生机制的,但是这个机制还处于较早期的阶段,WG不想冒这个险. - it took two weeks to do this mode (from first prototype to release 花了2周时间做出了这个模式(从第一个原型到发布). - sometimes, bugs appear with detracking and gun module destruction in this mode, but compared to the amount of these bugs in Chaffee racing, their number is insignificant 在这个模式中,时不时在断履带和击毁火炮时会出bug,但是比起霞飞竞速赛的那些bug而言,数量少得多了. - developers will work on this “8-bit” mode, it will be updated and so will its economy model 开发者们将持续改进8-bit模式,模式本身和其经济系统都会得到升级. - next “fun” mode will come on April 1st, it’s possible it will be an updated Karl along with the reworked Winter mode. If new mechanisms are available at that point (respawns for exampkle), they will definitely be used. At this moment many features are implemented via fun modes. 下一个趣味模式将会在4月1日放出,可能是升级过的卡尔与重制过的雪球模式的结合。如果那时新的机制(比如说重生)准备就绪,那肯定是会被添加的。而现在,通过趣味模式,开发者们已经添加了相当多的新特征了. - the initial idea for New Year fun mode was a battle of KV-2′s with Santa Claus hats, that would shoot each other with snowballs, but everything depended on introducing new physics and that’s why this mode didn’t appear 新年趣味模式最初的想法是一群带着圣诞帽的KV-2对扔雪球,但是这得依靠新的物理系统,所以这个想法最终没有实现. - developers also had an idea for a third type of shells, that would actually build bricks (as cover), but it would require a lot of development and that’s why it was scrapped 开发者们还想过引入第三种炮弹,即可以修方块(“砖墙”)做掩体,但是这需要大量的开发工作,最后还是放弃了. - the idea of healing shells is very old, first who came with it was SerB, who wanted an April 1st trolling by giving arty “healing shells” in random battles. Last to propose this thing (healing shells for arty) was Jove (famous Russian videomaker) during his meeting with developers in Minsk. In the end, WG decided to use it in this fun mode. 治疗炮弹的点子是很久以前由SerB提出的,他想在4月1号捉弄一下玩家,即给野队中的火炮一种特殊炮弹,可以给队友回血。最后一个提出这个主意(给火炮配治疗炮弹)的是Jove,他在明斯克与开发者的会议上提到了。WG决定在这个趣味模式中用上这个主意. - WG is working hard on PvE mode, which will apparently have some sort of “support class” (“healer”), that will be able to replenish health WG正在努力的弄PvE模式,这个模式会有一种辅助职业(“牧师”),即可以给队友回血. - currently, Russian servers are experiencing lag due to the overload of internet pathways because of Russian Christmas holidays 目前,毛子服务器上出现了延迟的情况,这是因为俄国圣诞节所导致的网络信道过载. - currently, Russian servers (all 9) are capable of handling 1,15 mil players at the same time 目前,所有9个毛子服务器共能同时容纳115万玩家. - the “Scout” (LT) in winter mode will be reworked in next version of the “8-bit” mode, as it’s weaker than other classes “斥候”(MC版T-50-2)将会在下一个版本的8-bit模式中得到加强,因为它比“猛犸”和“狂战士”都要弱. - there will also apparently be a fun mode with respawns where everyone plays for himself 显然,还会有一个带重生机制的趣味模式,玩家各自为战(类似CF的个人竞技). - superplatoons (5 man platoons) won’t be in random battles – for now. There were ideas to balance them against one another so each team always have one and to limit their number per battle to one. 5人的超级组队目前还不会在野队中出现,不过有这样一个想法,即只让一群组队的去对抗另一群组队的(每边仅有一队组成). - at first, developers thought to give healing shell green tracers, but this idea was scrapped later on 一开始,开发者们计划给治疗炮弹以绿色弹道,但是后来还是放弃了. [编辑:不详]