雪球模式经验收益bug曝光 部分隐藏任务移除
2015-01-08 23:12来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Wargaming really did it this time with the Winter Mode. Behold the latest major fail from the production that brought you the OP SU-76I and the WT E-100! WG这次搞的雪球模式又出了个大问题,造成的乱子不亚于不久前引入OP的SU-76I以及更早时候引入的白云时候。 Basically, when the Winter Mode was announced on RU server, it came with an interesting text: 一开始,当雪球模式首次在俄服上公布时,附有一段有趣的说明: It says: “…apart from the missions listed above, you will be able to complete also a bunch of hidden missions…” 说的是“除开上面提到的那些任务,你还可以完成一系列隐藏任务”。 Hidden missions. Transparency all the way! But wait, it gets better. 说是隐藏任务,实际上时时刻刻都是透明的。不过等等,还有更好的。 It turned out that these hidden missions incorrectly interacted with the open ones, specifically in multiplying the XP and crew XP modificator. The result was that the Winter Mode awarded like 100k crew XP and regular XP in a few missions and Yuri Pasholok on his blog reports that in 3,5 hours of playing, he managed to accumulate 230k XP. Another player reports average 3200 XP per battle each five minutes, for everybody (for a loss, it was 2,6k XP). 实际上,这些隐藏任务和一般任务之间似乎产生了混淆,尤其是在经验累加以及乘员经验收益计算这一机制上。结果就像Yuri在他的博客上指出的那样,玩家仅需3.5个小时就可以攒够230,000经验。另一个玩家称在每场5分钟的战斗中场均经验收益达到了3200,每个玩家皆如此(按这个说法的话3.5小时游戏时长可以积累260,000经验)。 This unintended fail lasted until cca 14:00 CET today, by which point some players (since yesterday) managed to accumulate absolutely ridiculous amounts of XP (hundreds of thousands, even millions), including multi-perk crews. Around that time, WG staff removed some of the hidding missions, greatly reducing the XP and crew XP income, creating massive butthurt. 这个意料之外的情况一直持续到了欧洲中部时间今天下午2点,那时候已经有相当数量的玩家积攒了成吨的经验(十万甚至百万),还训练出了多技能的乘员。也大概是在那时候,WG移除了部分隐藏任务,导致了经验收益的大幅减少。 [编辑:不详]