坦克世界1月6日你问我答 冬季娱乐模式俄服反响
2015-01-06 23:43来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Nothing much today. Russian players are not amused that in the Winter Mode, you have to buy the healing shells for gold (or a lot of credits), basically as premium ammo. 今天又没多少东西。毛子玩家对新的冬季娱乐模式不怎么感冒,因为你得花金币(或者一大堆银币)来购买奶妈弹当作金币弹。 Another massive source of butthurt is the fact that the “winter mode” broke many mods. Evilly states to this: “We don’t test it for the compatibility with mods. We contacted the mod makers, they will fix it. Until the fix, you have to empty the mod folder. Specifically the garage tank carousel mods.” 另一个笑柄是这个冬季娱乐模式和很多mod都冲突。 Evilly对此声称:“我们没有对mod的兼容性做测试。我们联系了mod的制作者们,他们会修复这个问题的。知道修复之前你们都得清空整个mod文件夹,特别是车库展示插件。 Another complaint was that the LT sucks in this mode. Evilly’s answer was that the original intention of this vehicle (LT) was to heal allies in superplatoons. So yes, it sucks – and apparently it also drifts a lot. 另一些抱怨是这个模式里LT玩着特别蛋疼。Evilly关于这些的回答是这个模式中LT的主要作用是5人黑的时候专职当奶妈。所以……没错这就是个蛋疼玩意 - 不过这玩意也挺能漂移的。 Anyway, what will happen with your crews in that mode after the event is over: 不管怎么说这个活动结束以后车组成员会做如下的处理: - crews from special tanks will be moved to barracks, if barracks are full, you won’t get any free crew slots, rather the crews will be saved in a “buffer” and moved to barracks whenever free slots become available 特殊车辆的成员会被丢进车库里,如果车库满了你是不会得到任何免费的床位的,但是这些车组成员会被保留在“虚空”之中,如果有可用床位就会被移入兵营。 - crews will be retrained to T110E5, Foch 155 or LTTB (from HT, TD and LT special tanks) 车组成员会被重新训练为T110E5,福三炮和LTTB的成员(和特殊HT,TD,LT对应) - you can retrain your existing crews to the special tanks (US, Soviet and French crews). If you do that, after the event is over, the crews will be retrained for free to T110E5, Foch 155 or LTTB. 你可以重新训练已有的成员到这些特殊车辆上(美帝,毛子和法鸡的成员)如果你这么做,活动结束后这些成员会免费重新训练成E5,福三炮和LTTB的成员 - special vehicles don’t act as premiums, you can’t use other vehicles’ crews in them 新模式的特殊车辆和金币车不一样,你不能直接在上面使用其他车辆的成员。 - regular XP will be transferred to Cunningham, MS-1 and FT-17 积累的(未兑换)全局会转移到科宁汉姆,MS-1和FT-17的身上 Otherwise, nothing much new. 另外,没啥新东西了。 [编辑:不详]