2015-01-06 23:43来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Many thanks to Evanescence and BloodDodi for adding a few more tidbits of info from the interview with Falathi. Basically, here’s a refitted version of the Falathi Q&A. This should already be the final model. 感谢Evanescence和BloodDodi新增加的一些Falathi采访的信息。总之,以下就是FalathiQA的重置版了,估计也应该是最后一版了。 - Currently, there is no plans to change any premium tanks 当前尚无改变任何金币车的计划 - The process of migrating the game to another engine (having in mind upcoming competition such as AW) is very unlikely because there is no certainty that it will be successful. BigWorld engine will be optimized constantly. 更换游戏引擎(以对抗其他游戏的竞争例如装甲战争)的想法基本是不可能的,因为不能保证成功。Bigworld引擎正在持续优化中。 - It is debatable that a mod is a cheat if you can’t use the amount of information the mod gives you (e.g. if you don’t look at the minimap, you won’t use extended information on it) 如果一个mod给你一大堆你根本用不上的信息的话,那这个mod是否算作弊还是不好说的(举个例子,如果你根本不看小地图,那么上面的拓展信息对你根本没用) - No plans to nerf IS-3, it’s a decent tank but it’s not OP. 没有削弱-3的计划,这车还不错但绝不OP - Enemy team HP bars and infinite zoom are considered cheats, especially in a situation when you zoom out and look over corner to see if the tank is looking at you. 敌人的总血量条以及无限拉远视角的mod是非法的,特别是当你拉远视角来查看敌方是否在盯着你。 - Global map is going to be expanded only if there are more clans participating 世界地图(领土战的那个)会扩大的,如果更多军团加入的话。 - WG cannot do anything in a situation when Clan Leader steals all gold from clan’s treasury, it is a matter of clan members who do they trust as a CL and they “can’t involve themselves” 如果军团领导把军团里的金币都偷了的话WG也做不了啥,因为领导必须是受军团内部信任的,而且WG无法“干预”此事。 - damage control about Panther 88 – basically when asked about morality of the marketing move with Panther 88, he refuted (derailed) it saying they could have done nothing about refunding it so players should be happy there is a refund … pretty much sounded like an answer taken straight from “SerB’s Guide to Answering Inconvenient Questions” 黑豹88的灾后险情控制-当问到黑豹88推出后又立马降价,WG的市场道德喂狗了么的时候,他(Falathi)驳斥说,之前根本没做过任何退还黑豹88差价的准备所以玩家应该庆幸最终还是退钱了……听着怎么就那么像“SerB对于无可奉告问题时的答案” 呢…… - ”WoT became less p2w than it was in the past” WoT跟以前相比“花钱买胜利”的元素比重更低了 - historical battles will return but changed form, no info about new scenarios, possibility of individual missions for historical battles 历史战会换种形式回来的,新版的尚无更多消息,大概会有历史战的个人任务 - Char 2C is in the same situation Firefly was … so stuck in the hold until someone decides what to do with it 夏尔2C的情况和萤火虫当年差不多……所以只能放着不动,直到某人作出这车命运的决定。 - the most probable new tech tree to appear in the game is European tree (he was quite sure about it) 最有可能出现的下一个科技树是欧洲科技树(他对此还蛮确定的) - the most probable new branch is for the French tree (he wasn’t so sure about it) (SS: but I am) 最有可能出现的新线会出现在F系科技树里(他不太确定)(SS:但是我很确定啊) - big maybe on weather effects and different times of the day (even though it was in their Havok presentation) 很有可能会出天气效果以及一天的不同时间(尽管这个和Havok的表现有关) - damage control about AW (he actually compared WoT to WoW and AW to “WoW killers”) 装甲战争的灾害控制(事实上他把坦克世界的地位比作魔兽世界而把装甲战争比作某“魔兽世界杀手”,言下之意就是装甲战争你们还是图样图森破) - WoWs MAYBE “next year” (SS: 2015) 山口山与(战舰世界)大概会在明年出(2015) - no news about alternative hulls or any changes to E50 E50的可更换车体还有别的改动都没有消息 - there is a chance for a Polish gift tank (no details) 可能会有波兰礼品坦克(没有具体消息) - no chances for possibility to buy a premium tank for 24h to test it, you can test it on test servers, but if tank is not there … tough shit kid. More damage control about Panther 88 – “we wanted to surprise players that’s why it wasn’t on the test server” 不会有就买一天的金币坦克尝尝鲜之类的,想这么玩咱有测试服,不过如果测试服不卖……那我也没辙了孩子。顺带还是88豹的消息:“我们想给玩家一个惊喜,所以测试服里没有出现这车” - when asked about nerf of TDs he said about planned view range nerf … but he said that nerf is planned only for TDs and some Heavy Tanks. Also for 100% it wont happen in next patch. 当说到TD的削弱时,他提到了视野的削弱……但是他说只是会砍TD以及某些重坦。而且下个版本绝对不会砍。 - no info about any mission to get Type59. But he said it’s rather not probable 没有关于拿到59的任务的信息,应该说实际上不太可能。 -again about arty nerf not being planned at the moment – they have been nerfed enough, less players play them now, nerfing them would cause TDs plague 还是火炮的削弱,尚无任何计划。他们已经够弱了,很少的玩家在玩,更何况砍得太过分还会导致TD泛滥。 -there is a possibility we will see T35 and SMK tanks in WoT (I have no idea where did that “in 2 years perspective” translation came from other than it might have been bad literal translation, if you aren’t talking about for example “pair of shoes” or other items that go in 2s by default, “pair” in Polish means few, so it may be 2 or 5 or 7) 我们可能会在WOT里见到T35以及SMK坦克(我没搞懂那个两年是哪里冒出来的,也许可能就是个不太成功的字面解释,比如说“一双鞋”,如果物品不是一对的话,那个“双”字在波兰语里就代表几个,也许是两个,五个甚至七个) -final individual missions will be similar to the ones on test server but with some changes, the general idea will be the same 最终的个人任务会和测试服里的那些很相像,但是会有些改变,不过大致内容是差不多的。 -Fatton buff in future is very probable 巴顿BUFF在未来极有可能 -there are planned bigger maps as well as more specialized maps (only for low tiers, Team Battles etc.) 有更多大地图以及专属地图(只能由低级别进入,或者只有联队能进之类的)的计划 -it means both that maps currently in game like Ensk could be increased in size and new maps bigger than 1000×1000(m) will appear, but it will come along with Havok and “other” changes 换句话说,像安斯克这样的地图会增加尺寸,新图也有可能超过1000X1000的尺寸,但是都要等Havok的到来以及其他的一些变化。 -long part about some shady mods, which was mostly a personal opinion, but in parts about WG stance he says – WG is observing what is going on in game and their politics stays the same – if they don’t say something is not allowed, then it’s ok to use, but if they decide in future to change it, they will 关于某些作弊的插件,这些大多都是他个人的意见,但是站在WG的立场上他说道-WG也在看着游戏中发生了什么,政策暂时也是保持不变-如果他们没说某插件是不能用的,那么请便,不过如果某天WG改主意了的话,他们也会禁止的。 -dude agrees that all the racism and extreme insults (concentration camps, cancer, death wishes) in chat should be treated more seriously and penalties should be much more severe but it’s not up to him 这哥们对种族主义以及极端恶意中伤(集中营,得癌,司马)等言论应该受到更严肃的处理和惩罚表示赞同,不过这事决定权不在他。 -question about why WG is so passive about people that steal clan’s gold, leave the clan and go completely unpunished when reported to WG – he answers that he agrees that shouldn’t be like that but WG decided they don’t have a reliable way to confirm the accusations in those cases 问到有人偷军团里的钱,然后一走了之,然后WG对此有持消极态度完全没有惩罚措施的原因时-他回答他觉得WG不应该这么消极,但是WG觉得他们不够靠谱以对此类指控进行审判 -no plans to buff or nerf premium tanks atm 暂时没有加强或者削弱金币车的计划 -with Havok it will be possible to shoot through buildings 引擎掺了Havok,炮弹就可以打穿建筑啦,哈哈哈 -it’s hard to say if it will be possible to shoot through buildings with high-caliber arty AP shells 很难说以后大口径火炮的的AP弹是否能击穿建筑 -he confirms PvE Ensk mode 他确认了PVE 安斯克模式 -increasing players number per clan probably wont happen 军团的平均人数很难增加了 -that what’s-its-name-arty-cheat-view mod is legal 那个“什么火炮瞄准视角艹劳资记不住名字”插件是合法的 -report system works and there were a lot of people banned for botting on EU 举报系统工作良好,很多人都因为挂机被封了 -multiple turrets will come but it doesn’t have a high priority – soon TM 多炮塔机制会来的,但是优先度不高 -no planned buffs for Japanese tanks tiers 1-7 1-7级的本子坦克不会加强的 -no planned credits earning buff for premium tanks 没有计划加强金币车的银币收益 -"Why there’s no list of banned mods on EU?" – "Because it was decided that way" 为何欧服没有禁止是用的插件列表?因为就是没有 -no need for new EU servers 欧服不需要再开新服务器了 -no info about any new types of ammo in the game 没有引入新种类弹药的信息 -8-bit mode will last more than a week 红白机模式会持续一个星期以上 -no light tanks of tiers 9 and 10 9级10级LT不会有的 -Japanese and Chinese TD question – he actually says there is a chance to see Japanese TDs “next year” and that Chinese TD line is problematic cause they started working on them when those kind of tanks became obsolete, so they would be mostly clones of Soviet tanks to fill the branch(I don’t know how is that different from current Chinese lines in the game but OK) 本子和天朝TD的问题-他表示可能明年就能见到本子TD但是天朝TD线问题不少,因为当他们前去调查的时候这些坦克已经烂在那许久了,所以大概只能拿苏联坦克来往线里面凑了(我不知道这和现在的天朝线有什么区别,嘛,算了) -if there are more Clan players then there will be more detailed or multiple (parallel) Campaign maps 如果领土战的玩家增多,那么就会有更多对称的战役地图 -there is still no final decision about what will happen with FV4202 – as in giving it to players that already have it, getting it as a reward for a mission, simply replacing it with new tier 10 tank but not giving premium FV4202 to players for free or something else FV4202的最终决定还没落实下来-或者直接给已经有这车的玩家,或者当做任务奖励,或者干脆替换掉原车但是不给金币车,或者别的什么的 -multicore support will come with Havok 多核支持会和Havok一起来的 [编辑:不详]