

  Many thanks to Evanescence and BloodDodi for adding a few more tidbits of info from the interview with Falathi. Basically, here’s a refitted version of the Falathi Q&A. This should already be the final model.


  - Currently, there is no plans to change any premium tanks


  - The process of migrating the game to another engine (having in mind upcoming competition such as AW) is very unlikely because there is no certainty that it will be successful. BigWorld engine will be optimized constantly.


  - It is debatable that a mod is a cheat if you can’t use the amount of information the mod gives you (e.g. if you don’t look at the minimap, you won’t use extended information on it)


  - No plans to nerf IS-3, it’s a decent tank but it’s not OP.


  - Enemy team HP bars and infinite zoom are considered cheats, especially in a situation when you zoom out and look over corner to see if the tank is looking at you.


  - Global map is going to be expanded only if there are more clans participating


  - WG cannot do anything in a situation when Clan Leader steals all gold from clan’s treasury, it is a matter of clan members who do they trust as a CL and they “can’t involve themselves”


  - damage control about Panther 88 – basically when asked about morality of the marketing move with Panther 88, he refuted (derailed) it saying they could have done nothing about refunding it so players should be happy there is a refund … pretty much sounded like an answer taken straight from “SerB’s Guide to Answering Inconvenient Questions”

  黑豹88的灾后险情控制-当问到黑豹88推出后又立马降价,WG的市场道德喂狗了么的时候,他(Falathi)驳斥说,之前根本没做过任何退还黑豹88差价的准备所以玩家应该庆幸最终还是退钱了……听着怎么就那么像“SerB对于无可奉告问题时的答案” 呢……

  - ”WoT became less p2w than it was in the past”


  - historical battles will return but changed form, no info about new scenarios, possibility of individual missions for historical battles


  - Char 2C is in the same situation Firefly was … so stuck in the hold until someone decides what to do with it


  - the most probable new tech tree to appear in the game is European tree (he was quite sure about it)


  - the most probable new branch is for the French tree (he wasn’t so sure about it) (SS: but I am)


  - big maybe on weather effects and different times of the day (even though it was in their Havok presentation)


  - damage control about AW (he actually compared WoT to WoW and AW to “WoW killers”)


  - WoWs MAYBE “next year” (SS: 2015)


  - no news about alternative hulls or any changes to E50


  - there is a chance for a Polish gift tank (no details)


  - no chances for possibility to buy a premium tank for 24h to test it, you can test it on test servers, but if tank is not there … tough shit kid. More damage control about Panther 88 – “we wanted to surprise players that’s why it wasn’t on the test server”


  - when asked about nerf of TDs he said about planned view range nerf … but he said that nerf is planned only for TDs and some Heavy Tanks. Also for 100% it wont happen in next patch.


  - no info about any mission to get Type59. But he said it’s rather not probable


  -again about arty nerf not being planned at the moment – they have been nerfed enough, less players play them now, nerfing them would cause TDs plague


  -there is a possibility we will see T35 and SMK tanks in WoT (I have no idea where did that “in 2 years perspective” translation came from other than it might have been bad literal translation, if you aren’t talking about for example “pair of shoes” or other items that go in 2s by default, “pair” in Polish means few, so it may be 2 or 5 or 7)


  -final individual missions will be similar to the ones on test server but with some changes, the general idea will be the same


  -Fatton buff in future is very probable


  -there are planned bigger maps as well as more specialized maps (only for low tiers, Team Battles etc.)


  -it means both that maps currently in game like Ensk could be increased in size and new maps bigger than 1000×1000(m) will appear, but it will come along with Havok and “other” changes


  -long part about some shady mods, which was mostly a personal opinion, but in parts about WG stance he says – WG is observing what is going on in game and their politics stays the same – if they don’t say something is not allowed, then it’s ok to use, but if they decide in future to change it, they will


  -dude agrees that all the racism and extreme insults (concentration camps, cancer, death wishes) in chat should be treated more seriously and penalties should be much more severe but it’s not up to him


  -question about why WG is so passive about people that steal clan’s gold, leave the clan and go completely unpunished when reported to WG – he answers that he agrees that shouldn’t be like that but WG decided they don’t have a reliable way to confirm the accusations in those cases


  -no plans to buff or nerf premium tanks atm


  -with Havok it will be possible to shoot through buildings


  -it’s hard to say if it will be possible to shoot through buildings with high-caliber arty AP shells


  -he confirms PvE Ensk mode

  他确认了PVE 安斯克模式

  -increasing players number per clan probably wont happen


  -that what’s-its-name-arty-cheat-view mod is legal


  -report system works and there were a lot of people banned for botting on EU


  -multiple turrets will come but it doesn’t have a high priority – soon TM


  -no planned buffs for Japanese tanks tiers 1-7


  -no planned credits earning buff for premium tanks


  -"Why there’s no list of banned mods on EU?" – "Because it was decided that way"


  -no need for new EU servers


  -no info about any new types of ammo in the game


  -8-bit mode will last more than a week


  -no light tanks of tiers 9 and 10


  -Japanese and Chinese TD question – he actually says there is a chance to see Japanese TDs “next year” and that Chinese TD line is problematic cause they started working on them when those kind of tanks became obsolete, so they would be mostly clones of Soviet tanks to fill the branch(I don’t know how is that different from current Chinese lines in the game but OK)


  -if there are more Clan players then there will be more detailed or multiple (parallel) Campaign maps


  -there is still no final decision about what will happen with FV4202 – as in giving it to players that already have it, getting it as a reward for a mission, simply replacing it with new tier 10 tank but not giving premium FV4202 to players for free or something else


  -multicore support will come with Havok


上一篇:坦克世界1月6日你问我答 冬季娱乐模式俄服反响


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

