Welcome to the third part of the artillery guide. Today the big topic will be aiming, which might make some of you reconsider the way you click those damn tanks. Before we start, big thanks to those 50+ people who started sending me encouraging messages when the FTR comments got locked. Some even sent gold, which took me totally by surprise and made my Christmas a lot merrier. 感谢各位小伙伴们继续观看火炮讲解第三部分。今天的主要内容为瞄准,而且可能会改变你点向对面的逗比坦克时候的姿势。开始前,先感谢一下50多位在FTR的评论关闭之后依旧来鼓励我的同志们。有些人甚至给我充了金币,让我很惊喜而且过了一个很不错的圣诞。 Sadly, some disturbed players couldn’t handle the guide again. No point mentioning the usual cancer wishes but one guy deserves a special mention. The “special” player award goes to Xensation, commander of IDEAL for 2 days of truly “original” trolling at our own TS. 不幸的是,某些二货玩家依旧对这个讲解十分的不满。一般的家庭问候咱就不提了,就说说里面某个特例。这份特殊的奖励我们奖给Xensation大仙,也是IDEAL战队的指挥官,以表彰他在我们的TS里婊了我两天。 Xen:指南里瞎逼逼什么啊 Xen:说得太特么对了 Xen:死基佬 Xen私信说:死基佬 Xen:喂你个基佬骗子 Xen:劳资爱死你了 Xen:但是你的菊花都被劳资X松了 Xen:继续松着别缩回去啊 Xen:基佬 Xen:你是不是恐同啊不然我叫你基佬你就那么伤心啊 COMMUNICATION 团队交流 Arti drivers should be the most “talkative” players on the team but few really are. Talking to your team sure influences your win rate and many players are happy to work with arty when they realize you are ready to cooperate. Having an ally pull and track an enemy in the middle of your aiming circle is one of the most satisfying moments of playing arty. Due to your long reload and minimal movement you can use the chat and shortcuts more often than others. You also have the best tactical overview thanks to arty view and can see the HP situation anywhere on the map. That said, while you cannot expect your team to always listen or work with you, it is still worth doing no matter how many times you get frustrated. 火炮应该是在战场中交流最多的玩家,只可惜大多数都不是。和队友交谈的确能够影响胜率,而且大多数玩家在意识到己方火炮有配合的情况下还是很开心的。能让你的队友把对面的坦克卡在你的瞄准圈左右可以说是很享受的。由于你的装填时间长得1B而你的动作又要尽量少得1B,所以聊天框和快速指令不是用来摆那好看的。你也是最好的战术观察者,因为上帝视角的确挺便利的,你可以快速掌握地图上任何位置的血量信息。总之,尽管你不能让整个队伍都听你的,为你服务,但是不管怎样多交流肯定不是坏事。 Here is what you can do: 你应该这么做: 1) Always mark your target (“T” by default) about 5sec before you fire. An experienced player will see the marker and stay away from the target. A great player will track the target as he will likely get more xp than if he shot it himself. Sometimes, players can’t penetrate the tank they are facing but they can still track it. If they see your marker they often will. Once again, do NOT expect your teammates not to kill the marked tank and “save” it for you. 1)在你开火前5秒标记一下你的目标(默认是T键)。如果是有经验的玩家,看到表示之后就会躲着你的目标远远的了。一个很好地玩家会一直点亮对方,因为他知道让别人来打要比自己打赚的经验来得多。有时,玩家可能打不穿他对面的坦克,但是他可以点亮对方。如果他们看到你的标记他们就更开心了。还是那句话,不要期待你的队友会对你标记了的目标高抬贵手。